Dec 22, 2008

She - 22nd Dec




Belinda gave me the most beautiful gift and when I sat down to read it it made me cry. Thank you Bel for thinking so highly of me. I love you too. The above are a couple of page that she had marked for me. What a thoughtful gift. I am truly blessed having such beautiful friends in my life.

The only thing is that this book needs a couple of new pages added that read something like:

1) She drinks way too much and may cause embarrassment - be warned.
2) She is the definition of naughtiness - in her presence you may be arrested.
3) She is crazy and would do anything for a laugh - her need for fun is enormous.

Love Ya Lon Time Bel (and Bell)
Love to All
PS Let me know if you want the details of the book and I will pass them on.
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1 comment:

Unknown said...

WHERE is SHE????? have you left yet??? WOW I have been reading your blog and have had sooo many DING DONG comments to leave but I have not stopped!!!!!
Scraploot sells these HOT little books and they come with many different titles!!!!!
You are sooo worthy!!!!! 'She acts like the children she is in charge of once or twice a year' needs to be added too!!!!!!

love ya longer time