Dec 6, 2008

SCOS Christmas Concert 6thDec





The boys had their Christmas Concert last night and it was excellent. We sat outdoors on a beautiful night - which was a pleasant change because nearly every other year it gets rained out. The boys had a great night and Luke did a little boot scooting and Ben did a Christmas Rap.

What I enjoyed the most was our little get together afterwards. I enjoyed sitting around and having a few drinks and a few laughs with the girls. Love you girls. Dan you crack me up (and so does your husband)!!!

A great night had by all.
Love Rell
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1 comment:

danielle said...

we had a great night too. It was fabulous to be able to relax and not have to worry about offending anyone with whatever I may have said. Although my husband assures my i probably went too far once or twice. Oh well.
Love ya