Jan 30, 2010

The Web We Weave

Here is another little scrapping share. I did not get done as much scrapping as I would have like to these holidays. I only gto 4 pages done - which for me is not many. I really don't know where the time and days went. I seemed to be doing something everyday. I don't remember ever sitting around doing nothing.

I really like this layout as I do have a fasination with spiders. I love their webs and how they glisten in the early morning sun. I really love these photos and the embellishment just went perfectly with the layout.

Julie's web page is coming soon. This is where you can find out more about these beautiful products http://timetocreate.com.au
Or you can email Julie here for more information julie@timetocreate.com.au

Love to All
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Jan 28, 2010

A Boy and His Pet

Ben just simply adores his guinea pig -Stripes. It was really hard for him to keave stripes at home when we went on holidays. He was really worried about her. As soon as he got home he was ready to give her lots of love and attention. Ben has made Stripes really quiet. I think that it is great for kids to have pets and take on the responsibility of looking after something. I always had pets as a kid and I still love having them.
Love to All

Jan 26, 2010

Sail Away

It is days like these that you just want to sail away. These photos were taken up in Iluka a couple of years ago when we were on holidays. Now the little sail boat is made by Julie from "Time to Create" and it is just gorgeous. She makes them in a variety of colours and they are great for beach, holiday or boy themes. I tell you for what they cost I seriously would not sit down and make this embellishment myself - all of the hard work is done for you. I have also been experimenting with using doileys on my pages. I used glimmermist on this one to give it a golden tone (can't really see the effect in the photo that I have taken).

This is where you can find out more about these beautiful products http://timetocreate.com.au

Or you can email Julie here for more information julie@timetocreate.com.au

Love to All


ps Happy Australia Day everyone. Mine went too quick. I am off now to have a family BBQ

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Jan 24, 2010

Project Photos

These holidays I undertook the huge task of getting my everyday photos into all of the same albums and putting them in year order. Now when you start a big project like this it is hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel - I thought that I would never finish - BUT I did. So now I have my scrapbooking folders and everyday albums in the same albums in year order. Slowly getting there with getting things organised the way that I want.
Now this year's project is "Project Life" which Belinda bought me as a Christmas present. So what I have to do is take a photo a day and journal to go with it. We will see how I go with this. I got my beautiful folder yesterday and I love it and can't wait to have a play with it. It will be interesting to see whether I get things in the right order.
I have tried really hard to do the things around the house that you don't normally get time to do as I want to be ultra organised this year. I am slowly running out of time and for the last couple of day we have had anywhere up to 10 boys playing at our house (I call it the home for naughty boys) - they are all remarkably well behaved actually.
What projects have you assigned yourself for this year??????
1) Project Life - will keep you updated. Double page per week - OMG I am already behind.
2) Keep everyday albums up to date.
3) Always keep in mind - LESS IS MORE.
4) Stay on top of things.
5) Blog at least once a week.
6) Comment more on others blogs as everyone likes to get a message.
7) Improve my photography and take one of Janine's classes.
8) Have some professional family photos taken.
9) Scrap one layout a week.
10) Enjoy being creative.
Love to All

Jan 17, 2010

Have Bike Will Travel

The boys have two great friends that live in our street and they all play together well. You have to keep an eye on them as they are always up to something - usually harmless fun. The other day they wanted to take their cricket set to the park with them so they needed a trailer for their bike so off to work they went. I must say their invention was quite creative. They got the base off our old recycling system, a box off the rubbish pile from nest door and some rope from the garage. Now if you are wondering what the stickers are around the box - yes they are VB stickers and boys will proudly tell you that they are stonsored by VB LOL. The funniest part of the story was when Dani (Mitch and A's mum) was over the other day looking at the trailer design and she said "gee that looks like the string out of Aiden's footy shorts tying the trailer to the bike." You could hear the boys gulp as that is exactly what it was. It goes to show a mother always knows.

Anyway the bike trailer works like a beauty and it has made many trips up to the park. The boys all ride together and come and go together. They play some other kids at the park and have a wonderful time. Some of the things they get up to remind me of my country upbringing where we would make the things that we couldn't buy.

Mitch and Aiden - we adore you and your family. We love having you guys around. You are always polite and respectful and you are a credit to your lovely family. We are so glad to have you so close. We are glad that you all get along so well. Know that you are alays welcome here and that you are never a problem. I have to tell you though the photos I have got will be used as evidence at your 18th or 21st. Sorry but it will be my job to embarass you in later life.

Love to All

Jan 16, 2010

6 Months

My gorgeous little man - Lockie is almost 6 months old. He is just delightful - I love the fact that he knows me and can hear my voice and he smiles. I just adore him. I can't get enough of him. Happy 6 months little man. Where does the time go?
Love to Lockie
Aunty Rell

Jan 9, 2010

Where the Wild Things Are

Every night on the farm included a bit of a drinking session on the verendah. I don't remember laughing so much. We all sit out of the verandah for hours and just talk - no radio,no TV, just good old fashioned conversation. We laughed about funny things that we have all done. The boys then decided to make some masks and we were on our 4th jug of cocktails. Things got way out of hand and the wild things come out to play. FUNNY!! The thing that really cracked me up was when Shayne looked at Belinda with the Hippo mask on and said to her "It doesn't even look like you." She said "thank god because I am wearing a Hippo mask." Oh we laughed for ages. We had some good fun on the verandah. I was sore from laughing the next day.

Love to All

Jan 7, 2010

Our Farm Stay

We stayed a few nights up with Lin and Shayne on the farm. I love staying with them and so do the boys. We always have a good time on the farm. One of the boys favourite things to do is to hang out the window of the car as we go up the track to their house. They love the fact that they can take off their seatbelts and walk on the wildside. On the day that this photo was taken BJ decided that she too was going to hang out the window to try the experience - she loved it as well. I wanted to try too but I didn't think that this was a good idea considering I was driving LOL.
Love to All
PS I am still a real country girl at heart.

Jan 5, 2010

The Bandibandi

On one of our little adventures we accidently ran over a BandiBandi Snake. I have only seen one other snake like this - apparently they are really rare. One of sisters thought that they were on the endangered species list (which made us feel really good). The boys were a little freaked out when we went back to see what we had run over. They wouldn't let me hop out of the car. Ben must have know that we were going to come across a snake as he was sayng earlier there are snakes here and I want to go home. He was right!

Love to All

Jan 4, 2010

Feels Like Home To Me

Well I made the trip home to Dungarubba - the place where I am from. We spent a week with my family and had a lovely time. These photos were taken from about 1km from mum and dad's house at the river. It was just on sunset - my favourite part of the day. When I am home I am constantly looking out the window to see the sunset. My family take it for granted as they see the sunset everyday but I only get to see a few sunsets. I miss the sunsets and I miss seeing the beautiful night sky that is lit up with millions of stars. Stars are harder to see in the city but when I am home the sky is littered with them. There are so many things I associate with home - I love windmill as we had one that you could see from our kitchen window, the beautiful big trees, the cane fields, the frogs that perch on the verandah and talk to you at night, the old dairy that is now falling down and the Eastern Rosellas and wild birds that freely. Feels like home to me.

Love to All

Jan 2, 2010

My first Lockie Scrap

Just a scrapping share of gorgous little Lockie. Not the best photo of the layout - but I just love his little smirk. I want to get better at photographing my layouts - my aim for the year.

Love to all

Jan 1, 2010

Happy New Year to Everyone

We had a really quite New Year - we just decided to stay home. We played games in the pool all afternoon. Ben was riding his pool pony as a bull and tried his best to stay on it for 8 seconds as this is the bull riding time limit. Now I know that you don't think that this is a long time to stay on the pool pony but it is as I too tried to ride the bull and was lucky to make 2 seconds. A quite dinner at home. We ended up going to bed at 1.30pm - the boys probably would have stayed up longer but it was time for bed for the adults.

I love New Year and the promise of what lies ahead. Everyone makes their resolutions and generally feel positive about the possibilities. My only resolution is "LESS IS MORE" and I will continue to say that to myself throughout the year and hopefully that will help me keep things under control. I have been cleaning up and that is what I have been telling myself - "LESS IS MORE" less to clean, dust and pick up. I am going to try and be even more organised this year. We have a big year ahead of us with many major events (Boy's communion and confirmation, Chris turns 50, Belinda (sister) turns 30, mum and dad's 50 th wedding Anniversary, Lockies 1st birthday) and they are just the big things.

This year I plan to spend more time with my family (more time with dad as he is slipping away). I want to go away with my family more. I want to focus less on work and more on what matters to me most.

Hope that everyone had a great New Year. Here's to a great 2010

Love and positive thoughts to all