Jul 2, 2009

Happy 11th Birthday Lukey


My baby turns 11 today!!!! At this time 11 years ago I was in labour and waiting for this little one to come into the world. Well at 10.22am on Thursday the 2nd of July, 1998 beautiful Luke came into the world.

You are such a beautiful boy inside and out. You have such high values and morals for a child of your age. You know right from wrong. You read people and you seem to know what to say to assist. You are a SNAG in the true sense. Yesterday I was having a conversation with you after soccer training and someone had upset you. You told me of the things that you wanted to say to another kid but instead you told me how you just said it in your head because you are better than that. You are only 11 but you are truly amazing.

The other day after your shower I was saying to you "Don't turn 11!" I then said that soon you would be a teenager and that you would start to give me attitude. You told me not to worry as no matter what age you turn that you will always be Luke and that wouldn't change.

So to my beautiful son - the one that keeps me going I wish you the Happiest 11th Birthday and I hope that your day is as special as YOU are.

Love to All
Sorry about the soppy post - but he really is a great kid.
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1 comment:

Unknown said...

YAY lukey happy 11th you well rounded and social butterfly!!!! Max adores you and thanks you for all the quality time you give him
