Jul 24, 2009

Our Cake Decorating Efforts (LOL)




OK so the boys are having their party tomorrow and they are really looking forward to it. Our good friend Dan made a beautiful chocolate cake for the boys and left the decorating up to them. Now I must admit we all felt a little nervous being left with the edible crayons. And this is what we come up with. The boys are into to Pokemon and thus the cake got covered in Pokemon characters - so they aren't little monsters - they are Pokemon character. The boys had fun playing and so did I. Not bad for our first attempt - I'm not giving up my day job yet (Dan we will leave the decorated to you). Will post photos of the party tomorrow.

PS. Dan can we have a mark on our first Cake Decorating effort????

A busy day tomorrow with two soccer games. Luke needs to win his to make the top 4 teams and Ben needs to win his (only because he hates to lose). Oh I don't want the holidays to end. I have been really enjoying my sleep ins and I really don't know how I am going to get back into routine. I think that it is going to be a tough time. The boys have been enjoying sleeping in as well - more so than any other holidays that I can remember.

Love to All
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Unknown said...

Luke and Ben that is one top effort...I really LOVE it and it is sooo personalised....have a fantastic birthday

hugs and kisses

rel - lets just take another week off....xx
thanks for the dip recipe too....can't wait for tomorrow to try it

danielle said...

Excellent job. The cake looked magnificent. I hope they had fun. Sorry if it stressed you out. My kids always think it's a huge treat to be allowed to do that stuff so I thought yours would have fun too. Maybe next year you can borrow the air brush and they can spray paint their cake. Hahahahaha.
Are you coming for a quiche lesson on Friday?
Love ya
Dan xxxxx