Nov 1, 2008

We Are Going To PINK

WHoo Hoo! WE got tickets UNREAL! I can't wait. She was so good to watch live last year and I can't wait to see her again. Her new album is excellent and I love it. It is played nearly non stop in our house. I already have my new favourite! I have heard people say that they would turn for Pink and when you see her live you can completely understand why they would say that. Will lend you the CD Bel if you want it. What an excellent weekend. I got to spent yesterday with my Sis and then I find out that I have PINK tickets and then we are off to car shop tomorrow.
Love to All


danielle said...

I can't believe you got tickets. I am extremely jealous. That will definately be a show worth the money. I may have to sulk at you for a while

Unknown said...

hope we are on the same night!!!

Michelle said...

Whoo HOO we r going to PINK! What an awesome B"day present to myself. I deserve It.

Rell where do u find the time to do all the Updates??
Love Shell

Michelle said...

Belinda we r going Friday 26.06.08