Nov 25, 2008

Tonight I Wanna Cry

Today was just one of those day. All was going well and I was in the classroom and teaching for most of the day. I was conducting Human Sexuality lessons with boy and girls. The girls were just so mature and lovely. The boys weren't too bad. Then all hell broke loose - one of our students was throwing furniture and created a few holes in the wall. It was not pleasant! He was soooo angry. I got called to help with the situation and ended up calming him down - in the process I was injured - I hurt my wrist and it it very sore. I ended up in the Medical Centre and had to wait for doctor attention. Anyway I do feel like crying not only because it was a tough situation but because this child has a tough life and things are not a bed of roses for him. I don't feel any anger towards him as life is not easy for him. I thought that this Keithy song summed up the mood quite well. I guess that it is all in a days work!!!

Hope that all is well in your worlds.
My love to all,


Ben said...

You are a beautiful soul and we love you baby. Dan

P.S. Ben said if you are going to put that sort of music into your blogs could you put up a warning so that he doesn't puke on the keyboard (it's a bloke thing I guess)apparently it takes ages to get the carrot out from between the keys.

Michelle said...

Hello Darlin Girl
I hope you are alright you poor chook.

Love Shell

Donna J said...

You poor love. I don't know how you do it everyday. Your the only stable, dependable, sensible and loving person in their life, what you give to them is amazing. I would end up in jail for smacking the parents around the head to wake them up or with 30 kids at home. Chin up, or we'll send many text messages.


Unknown said...

hey, I was thinking of you last night but missed this entry as I had my head burried in reports. I am so sorry that you were hurt, big hugs and kisses. I cant express enough how brilliant you are didnt deserve to be hurt, just like the student does not deserve the hardships he faces.
thanks for a fun night with my CLOWN son!!! your boys are wonderful and lucky to have you!
