Nov 2, 2008

My New Kluger - Yipee


It is official - we bought a NEW car and it is just gorgeous. It is a Kluger - Tidal Blue and with beautiful black leather interior. We did it after much debate!!!!! So in two weeks time I will be driving my fancy new car. We had to wheel and deal a little to bring in into the price range that we were happy with but we got there in the end. Joy rides will be given for anyone interested in cruising with me!!!!!! Can't wait - it is just like Christmas time - only better.

Love to All
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Unknown said...


race ya!!!!

cant wait for a joy ride

kylie said...

Book me in for a joyride please. Gorgeous car.

Helene said...

So jelous. Can't wait for a drive!

Michelle said...

Just booking in 4 a joyride. It looks Super.
your scratched too fancy to hand out with us now. HA HA HA.