Jul 3, 2008

Call Me Crazy

Ok - maybe I am a little crazy. On Saturday we are having 10 x10years olds sleeping at our house. HMMMM what have I done? Is is too late to change my mind. Our lounge room is covered in beds and mattresses. Probably shouldn't have worried about the beds. It is not like anyone is going to go to sleep!!!!

Other holiday Plans -
Saturday Luke's party and sleepover
Sunday say goodbye to the kids at 10.00am and then Luke is being a ball boy for the West Berries vrs Marconi on Sunday afternoon.
Monday we are having a play date for Ben's Birthday at Tic Toks and then in the afternoon we are picking my sister up from the airport.
Tuesday we are going into the city to Whale Watching and then to the IMAX theatre and then Luke trains at night.
Wednesday a bit of a shop with my sister and then we pack up to go to the snow on Wednesday night.
In the snow until Sunday.
Take Lin to the airport Monday and then my Parents are coming to stay.
Lots organised for the holidays. I just need to keep myself well as I had a gall stone attack on Tuesday night and it was a major one - thought about going to hospital. Managed to get through it. Will go to the doctor tomorrow to sort out how I can be operated on. I am still really sore. So I need to recover to get through all of the above. Hope that those that are lucky enough to be on holidays really enjoy their break. Apart from that I have a little school work to do and I want to get some major scrapbooking done.

My holiday list of things to do:
* Sort my scrapbooking albums out properly!
* Sort the scrapbooking supplies and give my desk to Chris for his paperwork.
* Clean out my wardrobe.
* Clean out Benny's wardrobe.
* Have the carpets steam cleaned.
* Visit Kylie and see gorgeous little Thomas!
* Sort my bookcase and take some of my text books to school.
* Sort my cupboards at work seriously!
* Get my new leather lounge delivered.
* Rest /Relax and generally enjoy the holidays.
* Start making Sheree's wedding invitations.

Well there is the list. See how much I get through. Most of all I really want my albums sorted year by year.
Love to All
PS I will post some sleepover photos if I survive.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

how are the 10 x 10 year olds going???
happy Birthday Luke! your mummy is so luck yto have a cool, spunky gentleman like you!!!