Jan 1, 2010

Happy New Year to Everyone

We had a really quite New Year - we just decided to stay home. We played games in the pool all afternoon. Ben was riding his pool pony as a bull and tried his best to stay on it for 8 seconds as this is the bull riding time limit. Now I know that you don't think that this is a long time to stay on the pool pony but it is as I too tried to ride the bull and was lucky to make 2 seconds. A quite dinner at home. We ended up going to bed at 1.30pm - the boys probably would have stayed up longer but it was time for bed for the adults.

I love New Year and the promise of what lies ahead. Everyone makes their resolutions and generally feel positive about the possibilities. My only resolution is "LESS IS MORE" and I will continue to say that to myself throughout the year and hopefully that will help me keep things under control. I have been cleaning up and that is what I have been telling myself - "LESS IS MORE" less to clean, dust and pick up. I am going to try and be even more organised this year. We have a big year ahead of us with many major events (Boy's communion and confirmation, Chris turns 50, Belinda (sister) turns 30, mum and dad's 50 th wedding Anniversary, Lockies 1st birthday) and they are just the big things.

This year I plan to spend more time with my family (more time with dad as he is slipping away). I want to go away with my family more. I want to focus less on work and more on what matters to me most.

Hope that everyone had a great New Year. Here's to a great 2010

Love and positive thoughts to all

1 comment:

Unknown said...

happy new year to you too!!!! Gee lucky I got up at 6.30 this morning. I got onto blog lines and saw ELEVEN posts....you certianly did catch up well!!!!
I love the scrapping and the christmas card photos are great.
3 days left for holidays and I am slightly sad I wont be back with you to share the new adventure. I am even more upset there are not more days left so we can begin to tackle our project life albums.
thanks for some nice days in the holidays...I am off to upload and edit your photos now. so expect to see some soon
Have a great 3 days and dont forget to pop over Australia day if you can.
love you long time and will miss you when school goes back xxxxx Dont forget if there is anything you need or want me to do CALL, I am happy to help as doing nothing may make me miss the place more