Feb 22, 2009

You Will Be Happy to Know

On Saturday night the boys had a sleepover at their friends house. Chris and I were going to see a movie but we decided to go to dinner instead. He wanted to go to Rashays - so off we went. I wasn't actually sure if they would serve me after my last visit but apparently they are quite forgiving and I got to eat. So I just thought that I would let you know that I can go back to Rashays - Yippee because I really like their food (and apparently I also really like their Pina Coladas). So this time I was really well behaved and no alcohol was consumed - I did myself proud. I was recognised by a couple of the people who work there as they smirked at me - wish I could remember which ones that I harassed. So girls if you are looking for another night out I am allowed back!!!!
Love to All


danielle said...

Good to know that you had a lovely evening and that we don't have to find a new restaurant to get you banned from.
Dan xxx

Unknown said...

PARTY TIME soon!!!!!

speaking of parties.....I call a meeting of the Alison's plus Berelle ASAP