Oct 5, 2008

Sheree's Hen's Day

Well we all returned safe and sound from Sheree's Hens Day. We went to Ranwick Races and then to the Retro. Got to love the Retro. We had an excellent day and night and I am alive. Thought that I was too old for all of that Shanagans BUT apparently I can keep up with some of the best. Many laughs and loads of fun. I will post more photos went someone emails me them. A great weekend. Hope that you had fun Missy - I did!!!! Can't wait for the wedding - can't wait to see you walk down the aisle!!!! How exciting. It is such a beautiful day and I hope that you enjoy every second of it.

Here is the wanted poster that we displayed everywhere at the races. We had one offer of a BUCK wanting to swap clothes with the HEN. A little scary. Lots of bad Karaoke - the only kind. Why is it that after a few that we all think that we can sing???????

Looking forward to ABBA Idol tongiht -stuff the football. Hope that you are all enjoying the long weekend. Off to try and get some scrapping done.
Love to All
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Unknown said...

sounds like you had a ball and you looked a MILLION $$$$ too.
have fun watching IDOL tonight, I cant wait to sing along

enjoy week 2

see you Tuesday

danielle said...

Hello gorgeous girl
Why does it not surprise me that you had a great time? It's great to see you getting a bit of time to let your hair down and enjoy yourself. Friday night girls night out this week?