May 24, 2009

My Weekend

Friday I went to see Ghost of Girlfriends Past and Present with a great friend. It was good to catch up with you Helene. We both enjoyed the movie. A few corny little parts along the way. Generally a good movie and Matthew is one of my fav male actors so that made it. Hmm on the down side I had a little altercation with the car on the way out of the parking lot and ended up with a dint in my baby. I had to ring Chris and tell him about the car- this was not particularly good as he hadn't been talking to me since last Sunday when I told him that we were flying home to Lismore instead of driving. He took it well I guess. It is the first black cross that I have against my driving record. Never mind - my sister told me to stop trying to be perfect and get on with it (thanks Shelly).

Soccer was washed out this weekend. It gave me my weekend back as Luke was also meant to pay on Sunday. I got a few extra things done which was good. I have a heap of birthdays coming up to get ready for.

Feeling a bit over everything at the moment. Hopefully I will get back on top of things soon. I probably haven't enjoyed the weekend as much as I should have. I don't feel like doing the things that normally make me happy. Even ice cream doesn't work at the moment.

Hope that the rest of you are well and happy.
Love Rell


Unknown said...

wow it is bad when ice cream cant make it try a mint slice

man you are lucky he took it well my car freak NEVER lets it go, esp the day I closed the car in the garage while it was not in or out !!!

love ya long time

Narelle said...

Hey Bel,
Thanks for the comment. You made me laugh and feel better. I don't feel so silly now. I needed that.
Love Rell

Michelle said...

Your not buying the right ice cream or try cakes from cake shop at casula mall there good!!
Love shell