May 29, 2009

Happy 8th Birthday Boy - Ben




Happy Birthday to the most beautiful Birthday Boy Benjamin. I can't believe that my baby is 8. Oh dear - stop the clock. Benny we love you so dearly. You are a gorgeous little boy. You have the most wicked sense of humour-your sense of fun is second to none. I hope that you have a great day!!!

OK so I am cooking the birthday boy a Chocolate Oreo Cake at the moment. I will post a photo when done. This is the start of the birthday season for us and the making of the cakes as well. Next it is Chris',Shell's and then Luke's.

So this week I have had the boys sick on and off. Ben with a stomach virus and Luke with a cold/flu. It has been a difficult week with trying to manage work and taking care of the kids and all of the other things that go with this. The other day Ben was home sick and I thought that Luke was going to take a day off with his sore throat but he is loving school that much that he woke me up and said "come on mum I want to go to school." His teacher is just gorgeous and he is lapping up all that she has to offer. She is easy going and she has the ability to make him feel good and clever. She encourages him to take risks and shows him that he is capable. She lets him know that it is OK to make mistake. I just adore HER. I am dreading the end of the year. He is really having a good year. So to Miss Mason - a very big thank you. Thank you for being great and taking care of my son and showing him that learning is enjoyable!!!!!

What else??? Well I just received some more goodies from Scrapbook Creations - another challenge for me. I love a good challenge. So I am off to put the creative juices into action. I have a little more time to complete this one.

You have got to love the Blog world - so many avenues to explore. I love the fact that you can jump on here and draw inspiration from others work. I found a new blog recently and it led me to so many other beautiful blogs. Thanks girls for sharing your work and your lives with other.

Well I hope that all is well with everyone. Please drop me a line to let me know what is happening in your world.
Love to All
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1 comment:

Michelle said...