Aug 2, 2009

They Make Me Laugh

Today was a good day. I mostly spent it with Michelle and my new little nephew which was lovely. I got home this afternoon and the boys were content playing outside. Night fell and it was shower time. Luke had a shower and Ben wanted a bath. After Luke had his shower I had one while Ben was having a bath. Ben was in a cheeky mood and up to mischief. He threw a cold washer at me in the shower. He decided to get out and he was up at the shower recess and poked his tongue out at me I returned the gesture. Then I continued having my shower and was washing some face wash off - when I turned around there was his little bum stuck up against the glass staring me in the face. LOL - seriously what happened to my little boy???? It was the last thing that I was expecting.

The night went on and we had a baked dinner - yummy. Next Luke said that he was cold. He went to his bedroom and when he returned he was laughing. When I looked he had his dressing gown on back to front and professing that he had a new snuggy. Oh he made me laugh and his bum was hanging out like I assume it would in a snuggy.

My boys and their wicked sense of humour - where do they get it from?????

LOL - They topped a fantastic day for me. I hope that you all had a great weekend too!
Love To All

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