Aug 2, 2008

A Cracker of a Day

Saturday - Had a top day today. It was jam packed BUT I enjoyed every minute of it. It started at about 9.30am when we went to watch Hadley play soccer. Then I went to get the boys hair but and then it was off to lunch with Mel, Kylie, Shell and Kerri. I always love catching up with the girls. These girls are such good friends and despite what we are all going through we are always there for each other. Love you GIRLS and I am so happy that you are all a part of my life. I have posted some photos of gorgeous little Thomas. Kylie is is just beautiful!!!! Love his whispy hair. Glad that I got to have a little hold - it wasn't long enough. Babies are such precious little things. He is adorable - just wanted to squeeze him. I think that the boys were just as taken by him as I was. Can't wait to see him again and have a little hold and Kylie it will be great to see you as well. Can't wait until our next lunch as today I then had to rush off to Jayden's soccer game. What a great game!!!! They won 4 -0 and will now move through to the finals. Jayden scored as well. From here I dropped Luke and Ben to a friends house for a sleepover. Initally it was just Luke that was going to go but then Ben was also asked and he happily packed his bag to go. So I will pick them up at about 10.00am in the morning. Pity that things weren't a little better at home as we could have gone off to see a movie. Never mind!!!! From there is was home to meet Sheree and Mary to finish off her wedding invitations. Mission complete the invitations are all ready to go and I think they look beautiful. We finished up at about 9.00pm. Then it turned to the not so fun things like cleaning up and then some ironing. I did however find some time to do some blog surfing and then get an entry in. I did want to fit groceries in there somewhere BUT the day ran out. They will have to wait until tomorrow.
A really good day.
Love to All

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