Jan 21, 2009

The Secret

OK I know that I have your attention Belinda as you love a good secret LOL.

I was reading the other day and I read that "The Secret to having it all is believing that you already do."

I would have to say that I would have to agree with this whole heartedly. If you believe that you have it all then I guess that you do.

Have had a fabulous day. Went to see Bedtime Stories with my sons this morning and really enjoyed the movie - very clever. I may use is as motivation in my teaching. I was sitting in the cinema with my kids and I thought I really do have it good. I have two beautiful boys who are a delight to have in my life every single day. I have a hard working husband (that is probably going to be fried today). I have a comfortable home, I have the best friends that a girl could ask for. What more could a girl want???? So for now I am going to sit back and enjoy my all!!!!!

Love to All


KimA said...

Thanks for the lovely day yesterday Narelle! Hope the mag ended up giving you some inspiration

danielle said...

I would suggest that you could add "a good book, a glass of wine and a block of swiss chocolate" to your list of things that make life perfect. As I was given all three this Christmas my life is complete.

Donna J said...

The secret is great, watch the movie all the time. Wonderful way to look at life, glass half full.