Jan 10, 2009

Just Do It Day

Well today may not have been the most exciting day of my life but I treated it as a JUST DO IT DAY! I managed to sort out a years worth of mail, sort my tax receipts and get them ready to hand over, fill in forms to get a rebate from before and after school care - all of the jobs that I hate doing. There are only a couple of really bad ones left and they include typing up Chris' tax so that it is ready to go, clean out my wardrobe properly and be ruthless about it, sort out my Superannuation and roll all of the little funds into one and clean out my linen cupboard. Now the rest of these may not be completed today but a made a really good start and I feel so much better for it.

Last night we had a friend's boys (Jayden and Dylan) stay the night and most of today. The boys were all beautiful and enjoyed swimming and playing soccer and hanging out.

I am almost finished the first book in the Twilight series. I have read it in less than a week. Tomorrow I am on the hunt for the rest of the books. I hear that they are extremely hard to track down and that they may not be back in print until March - don't know if I can wait that long. Apparently they are more popular than Harry Potter - a little hard to believe. Now I am hanging out to go and see the movie.

Scrapping - nope I haven't completed any yet - a little sad- but I am sure that I will get some done in the next few days.

Still immensely enjoying the holidays. Stay up to the wee hours and then sleep in - yes this is the life for me.

Love to All

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