Jan 28, 2009

I So Hate It With A Passion

OK so the kids go back to school for their first day and it is a good day. Then the problem sets in - they get to take home their books to be contacted. OMG I hate it with a passion. It is up there with mopping (and girls you know what that means). I am willing to pay good money to anyone who is willing to contact my kids books. Maybe I am too fussy with the whole no bubble thing - but they have to be smooth. No applications are necessary just apply within and you will have the job.

PS I take my hat off to those good mums who go through this process voluntarily when they cover books for the library - on no not me. Only do the necessary contacting.

Spreading the contact love all over the world.

PS Is it just me?????


danielle said...

Yes it is just you. Alex didn't bring home any books today so I assume you still have one more lot of books to go. Possibly not what you wanted to hear. Sorry. Fancy doing something tomorrow?
Dan xxx

Unknown said...

oh i so love to contact !!!!!!
should have brought them into school today