Jan 14, 2009

The Hunt is Over

The Hunt is Over - I now have the next book - NEW MOON - Yippee. Yesterday was my lucky day. I was out having lunch with some friends and stumbled upon a bookshop that had just got it in. Lucky me. So it will be nose in a book for the next few days. Can't believe that I am so hooked. Want desperately to see the movie and I even looked at the sound track yesterday.

Yesterday we also took the kids to see High School Musical - they loved it. We had a great day.

Well the Just Do It campaign continues. I cleaned out my wardrobe the other day and got an embarrassing 6 garbage bags out and the worst thing is that my wardrobe looks the same. You can't even tell that anything is missing. Next is the linen cupboard. I am slowly working my way through the house. It feels good to clean out all that we no longer use. Let's see what today brings.

Love to All with nose in book


Helene said...

Can I borrow the first book. Need something good to read. Should be home on the weekend in you have a few minutes for a pop in. Let me know.

Unknown said...

tooo funny Alison was at HSM yesterday with Rebekka E, Joan and the kids. Did you have your head in your book and MISS them!!!! LOL

cant wait to catch up, sooooo much to talk about, but no vampire acts please........!!!!!!!!!!

Unknown said...

Hi Narelle.

Hope you are enjoying the break.

How are your boys...I haven't seen them in so long! I finised up at STCOS mid Term 3 before going on maternity leave. I'll be back there from Term 2 on ESL.

We have Daniella's christening next Sunday and Danielle Reid is making her cake...can't wait to see the wonderful creation!

Enjoy the rest of your holiday!
Marianne :)