Here are a few layouts that I prepared for the shop using the black and white Doodlebug range. I always enjoy working with black and white as there is so much that you can do with it. I have really enjoyed the opportunity to sit and scrap over the last couple of days. We haven't really been going out a lot, just enjoying being at home.
I have also been cleaning out the house madly. Some think that I am nesting BUT don't worry I am just throwing out things that should have been thrown out years ago. I am such a I'll just keep that in case I need it girl - it is scary. If I keep going the house might just explode. I threw out 9 garbage bags the other day and you can hardly tell that anything was gone. I am now going to keep on going and get rid of anything that I "might" need and just keep the things that I "do" need.

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