Jan 10, 2008

January the 2nd 2008

The Split Head - The first night that we stayed at mum and dad's Luke fell out of a single bed and split his head opened. He then went into shock. It scared the living daylights out of me. He was wrapped up in the sheet and didn't have his hand free to break the fall and split his head. We had trouble getting the bleeding to stop. Eventually it stopped and Luke went back to sleep but I don't think that I slept. After fixing him up I had trouble settling myself and I thought that I was going to faint or throw up. He was such a brave boy. He always deals with things so well. We had to keep him quiet the next day because I was afraid that it would open up again. Thank God nothing like that happened when all of the roads were blocked and getting to the hospital would have been impossible. As it was we didn't go to the hospital. I was only saying the other day that this was going to be a better year for Luke and on day 2 of 2008 his head was split. Hopefully the rest of the year will be better.
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