Nov 4, 2007

Posted by Picasa


Unknown said...

Hi Narelle.

It's Marianne Grasso (teacher at STCOS). Accessed your blog via Belinda's.

I saw the beautiful pics of your sons and that's when I realised your Ben's mum!

I teach him music every week! He is so enthusiastic and always is the first to join me in singing and dancing!

Congratulations on starting a blog...I've just started as well!

Can't wait to see some of your scrapbook layouts...I've heard that your sooo extremely talented!

Question...when do you get a chance to sit and scrap? I'd love to do so much, but between working at STCOS, running Clever Kids with my mum and looking after Isabella (who'll be 2 on Thursday) I never get a chance.

Any tips...???

I'll visit again soon!

P.S Say hi to your beautiful boys for me!

Unknown said...

All looks great at this end!!!
I have enjoyed reading all your new posts and you are such a fast leaner!!! you are the PICASA MASTA!! you,your sis and the boys looked adorable and HOT on the day!!! So looking forward to picking you up from the airport on Sunday and getting reading for some AI ACTION!!!!!