It doesn't take long and the holidays seem like a distant memory. We are only 3 weeks back into school and I am already counting the weeks and the days until the next holidays. I really like these photos of our day out at the aquarium. We all had a top day. My favourite part of the day was going on a nice relaxing Harbour Cruise. On the cruise there were some Japanese tourists that we had some fun with. They got a real taste of what Aussie girls are like. I think that I ended up in majority of their photos of the Harbour. At first I was just joking with them and then they decided they really did want me in all of their photos. We really do have a beautiful Harbour that we probably take for granted. The boys really enjoyed the aquarium. We had a great holiday. It was the best ones that I have had in a long time.
I think that we are in for a tough term. Many kids at school are already kicking into top gear. This is not a good sign when it happens so early in the term. So it will be a case of batten down the hatches and hang in there. I am thankful - the boss approved me to work 4 days/week next year. I still have Friday off - Oh how I love Friday. I have only just got use to Ben not being with me on my day off. There are times when I still look for him. I miss him when I go shopping or even just when I am at home. I now understand the empty nest syndrome. My nest feels a little empty when the boys are not around. I guess it is the case of you always wanting what you don't have. When they are at home and wrestling you long for one peaceful hour and when they are gone you long for the happy noise of them playing. Motherhood really does change your life forever - all for the better. I wish that I had started a little earlier and maybe had another couple of treasures. My kids are my greatest achievement.
I know how lucky I am to have the two that I have. They are great kids.
1 comment:
What a brillant Day. I loved sailing around the Harbour it was so much fun. My naughty sister had us all in stitches laughing as she decided to stir up some japanese tourists by hoping in the background of all there photos. Thats my sister she is always doing something funny to make you laugh. She can resist the temptation!
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