Aug 8, 2010

If You Have To Go - Go Out In Style!!!!


Luke's soccer season ended on Saturday in a Semi-final. It is one of the most exciting games that I have ever watched. It was the type that kept you on the edge of your seat. He played such a good game and saved a couple of goals. He was marking probably the most difficult kid on the other team - their key striker and he did a brilliant job. Luke is not the fastest kid on the field but what he lacks in speed he makes up with in heart. When the opposition would make a break he would power along beside him and put the pressure on. It was truly good to watch. We ended up 1-1 and then went into extra time which provided no change in score. Then we went into a penalty shoot out and we lost 4-3. It was so close. Never mind - can't win them all and we were ever so proud of Luke. Talk about a close one - could have gone either way. It was a good way to go out if there is such a thing. We walked away after giving it our all. A great soccer season for Luke.

Ben's team won and they now progress to the semi-finals next weekend. He too has had a great weekend.

One good result and one not so good but I say if you are going to go - go out in style.

Hope that everyone had a great weekend.
Love to All
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1 comment:

Michelle said...

What an exciting, nerve racking and awesome game. Well done Luke you gave it everything you had.