The boys have two great friends that live in our street and they all play together well. You have to keep an eye on them as they are always up to something - usually harmless fun. The other day they wanted to take their cricket set to the park with them so they needed a trailer for their bike so off to work they went. I must say their invention was quite creative. They got the base off our old recycling system, a box off the rubbish pile from nest door and some rope from the garage. Now if you are wondering what the stickers are around the box - yes they are VB stickers and boys will proudly tell you that they are stonsored by VB LOL. The funniest part of the story was when Dani (Mitch and A's mum) was over the other day looking at the trailer design and she said "gee that looks like the string out of Aiden's footy shorts tying the trailer to the bike." You could hear the boys gulp as that is exactly what it was. It goes to show a mother always knows.
Anyway the bike trailer works like a beauty and it has made many trips up to the park. The boys all ride together and come and go together. They play some other kids at the park and have a wonderful time. Some of the things they get up to remind me of my country upbringing where we would make the things that we couldn't buy.
Mitch and Aiden - we adore you and your family. We love having you guys around. You are always polite and respectful and you are a credit to your lovely family. We are so glad to have you so close. We are glad that you all get along so well. Know that you are alays welcome here and that you are never a problem. I have to tell you though the photos I have got will be used as evidence at your 18th or 21st. Sorry but it will be my job to embarass you in later life.
Love to All
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