Nov 22, 2009





Here is another layout that I created last weekened. I so wanted to share then as I just love this little embellishment but my computer was being very unco-operative. So this is another "Time to Create Product" that you too can get your hands on. I am telling you this little one will go very quickly so put your order in. I just love it and all of the hard work is done for you. I thought that the embellishment summed up the photo perfectly - 2 Cheeky Chickens!

So you can order this product by emailing Julie on: and you will be able to link soon to

Soon this link will have all of Julie's products on there for you to browse through. I can't wait for the link to go up myself.

Love to All
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Sarah Lou said...

LOVE this lay out. I love the product from time to create!! when does her website go live??

Narelle said...

Hi there Sarah,
Julie is madly working on her website at the moment. You can order by emailing her if you can't wait. Stay tuned as there will be a lot of layouts go up in here using her products.
Thanks for your Comment.
Cheers Narelle