Oct 9, 2009

Clear Your Clutter 101

OK so I have now been on holidays for one week and what can I tick off my list?????

I have been doing bits here and there. I went and donated 16 bags of clothing to Vinnies today. I filled the bin last week and I have already filled it for this week. I can feel the house breathe a sigh of relief as I think that it was ready to split at the seams if I was to try and fit one more thing in.

What I have learnt:
a) you can't keep everything -I know this because I have tried.
b) I am really good at stashing things and squeezing things into tiny places.
c) clearing the clutter is completely liberating and brings with it a sense of freedom.
d) you don't always need things to keep as memories as most of it is in your head (and if that ever fade in the case of old age - things won't necessarily help bring those memories back.

NO 1) I haven't finished reading the last book in the Twilight series (don't know if I can bring myself to do it as I really don't want it to be over). I bet this is the one thing still left on the list - the hardest one.

No 2) Finish the other book-Lovely Bones.

TICK 3) Clean out my wardrobe - gave it a serious overhaul and bought some lovely timber coathangers -little bit fancy. I then let Shelly loose and she is a little anally retentive and she started to colour code it. I also let her throw out anything that she has not see me wear in a while and she found two tops.

TICK 4) I have produced 5 layouts to date which meets the at least one layout per day quota. I also have made the beautiful tin for the Crop for a Cure Fundraiser.

NO 5) Go and buy some more uniforms for the boys - summer.

HALF 6) Help Shelly organise Lachlan's Christening - Make the invitations. I have taken some photos ready to do this one.

TICK 7) Bathed the dog that was orange from the dust storm - managed to get her lovely and white and I didn't even use White King.

TICK 8) Defrosted the freezer and cleaned the fridge out.

STARTED 9) Organise myself for school for the term coming up.

NO 10) Take some nice photos of the boys and have an editing lesson (can't wait Bel - let me know).

STARTED 11) Start thinking about Christmas - have started to buy a few odds and sods.

NO 12) Try to get photos organised - burn CD with Lachlan's photos onto one disk for Michelle.

A wholy SHIT big TICK 13)Clean out the top of the wardrobe in Luke's room - Man this was a huge task that I had put off for so many years. I now understand why I have put it off for so long. This is where most of the stuff from Vinnies came from. I had Size 3 clothes in there. I am so glad that this one is over and now the rest seem easy -except number 1.

NO 14) Clean out scrapbooking supplies. A place for everything and everything in its place.

NO 15) Programming for the classes that I work with!!!! All ready to go.
Well and truly underway

16) Some major house cleaning - Clearing the clutter.

NO and I don't know if I am going to get the chance 17) I would love to get to school one day and clean out my horrid office. I never give myself the time that I need to get organised. I want to be organised!!!! It is a big job - but it just may be tackled.

TICK 18) Clean my desk draws at home - buy new printer cartridges. No more junk to be found in the drawers and I come to the realisation that I have about 20 glue sticks.

NO 19) Organise some photos to have printed onto canvases and buy shelf from IKEA to put in the dinning room.

TICK 20) Sleep in and get some well deserved rest! Believe it or not Dan I have slept in until 9am every morning except for one day. I am a little scared that I am not going to be able to get up when school goes back.

Well as you can see I have about half of the list complete. We have also been to see the movie "Up", Ben had his best friend over one day, Luke played with Jayden, the boys learnt how to throw a discus and now have bought one to practice with, spent time with Shell and Lockie and I have taken the boys to Tic Toks. Next week we have something planned for every day and we have the usual soccer 2 nights and swimming 2 nights. I can see the week flying by. Never mind I plan to enjoy it and even if I achieve nothing else my house can breathe again and I feel much better.

So I would highly recommend putting a list together as it has helped keep me honest and motivated as I know that other people know.

Hope that everyone else is enjoying their holiday.
Love to All

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You have done such an awesome Job. I am slowly making my way through my list and plan to make a big dent today......not like yesterday...after the DRs we took the phone of the hook and slept for 3 hours. We were like bears, well Max preferred the word bear nap to nanna nap. talk soon
thanks for the funny words on my blog, I think we are DUE for a cowboy together come January
lovew ya the longest time
