Jun 19, 2009

A Tough Week

OK This week has not been the best week. Ben woke up saying that he was sick. I told him to go to school and that he would be OK. I went to work on Monday morning only to be called home at 9.05am to get the poor boy who had been knocked over in the playground and was running a fever. So I took him home. Tuesday he was still sick so we spent hours waiting at the doctors to be told that it was a virus. He was then off Wednesday. Thursday morning I told him that he may need to have a blood test to find out what was wrong with him and he said OK. I thought that the threat of a blood test may make him say that he would go to school. But he said that he just wanted to get better. I am cranky at myself for making him feel guilty for being sick and for questioning how sick he really was. I feel like a bad mother because I told him that I needed to get back to work. I don't want him to ever think that I put work first. I feel that I haven't been the best mother possible.

Anyway let's hope that next week is a better week and that I can work a few days. Not having family support around you is difficult in these times. I also hope for a couple of night without Ben in my bed.Anyway we all do the best we can.

On a good note I sent off a layout for Scrapbook Creations. So I will be published in August and November - Yippee!!! On an even better note I have only one week until I go to Pink. Can't wait-she is tops. It is not all bad as I am also going to Keith Urban in December as a birthday treat - Thank Mary.

Thanks for dropping in - please leave me a line.
Love to all


Unknown said...

I have missed you sooo much too....know anywhere you can find 2 APs with healthy children??? I have had a tough week too, oven blew up, care taken away, stomach muscles killing me, headaches no jobs achieved yadda yadda yadda

can we "women" have it all??? me thinks not, something has to give....this week it was my sanity that gave.

xxxxxxx can't wait to see you ....3 weeks to holiday bliss


danielle said...

I think sanity is over rated. We are here for you and love you just the way you are. If things come to that point you will get the love and support you need and you don't need to ask for it, it will be here anyway. Hope this week is better for you. xxxxx

Unknown said...

Who's been writing on my board in all crappy messy writing??????

oh that may be the PRINCIPAL sitting across from you!!!!!!!!!!

Narelle said...

You Bloody crack me up. I have been laughing all afternoon. That was one of the funniest things that you have ever done and then when you said that it looked like a uterus. LOL I needed a good laugh like that. Today I actually felt really sad about the boss going at the end of the year.
That must have been the cracker of the year!!!!
Love You a Scribbling Long Time