Feb 8, 2009

A Cracker of Weekend



Well I managed to pack heaps into my weekend - I am sad that it is over. Friday I had furniture delivered, saw friends and went to an ultra-sound with my sister. She is now sure that it is only one and not twins - yes she was a little relieved. Then we went to the club for dinner. I also managed to fit a few little other things in like clipping the dog ready for the scortching heat and move a few things around in the house.

Saturday was spent shopping with my sister for baby clothes. We had a great day and it is fun checking out the baby section again - I forgot what it was like. Then I come home and packed and we went up to Umina to Ang and Rob's (our new holiday house. We went to the beach in the evening and enjoyed a sunset over the water. Then we watched Australia - while I really enjoyed. I love being up the Central Coast - so nice and relaxing. It is a pity that time goes so quickly.

Sunday we hoped up and went back to the beach for a few hours. The water was so clear and so fresh - just beautiful. Everyone had a good time. I even love the car trip as I get to read my book and usually the kids sleep all the way back because they are exhausted. Everyone is a winner.

While at the beach the kids did the usual things. Ben built a fancy castle and decorated it with shells and the kids took to surfing the sand dunes on their boards. Ben was quite good at it and could nearly make it to the bottom. Georgia looked like a lamington by the time that she got to the bottom only she was covered in sand rather than coconut. I love the photo of the boys running along the beach on sunset.

Thank you Ang and Rob (and kids) for letting us stay and for your hospitality. We have had a great time. I haven't seen Chris enjoy his weekends as much in a long time. Very enjoyable. Well we probably won't return until March now as we don't want to wear out our Welcome!!!

A really good weekend.

Now there is only one thing that would top it off and that is a little of the scrapbooking that I promised myself I would do. I have an hour or two before dinner so I must make the most of it.

Love to All
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1 comment:

Unknown said...

jealous since my head was in the toilet for 24 hours!!!!!!!!!