OK so the kids go back to school for their first day and it is a good day. Then the problem sets in - they get to take home their books to be contacted. OMG I hate it with a passion. It is up there with mopping (and girls you know what that means). I am willing to pay good money to anyone who is willing to contact my kids books. Maybe I am too fussy with the whole no bubble thing - but they have to be smooth. No applications are necessary just apply within and you will have the job.
PS I take my hat off to those good mums who go through this process voluntarily when they cover books for the library - on no not me. Only do the necessary contacting.
Spreading the contact love all over the world.
PS Is it just me?????
Jan 28, 2009
Jan 23, 2009
The Last Day of the Holidays
Luke build the Coastguard Boat and Ben made the Pirate Ship.
Today has been a great day - we have done absolutely nothing. It is now 3.00pm and the boys are still in their PJs and they are loving it. They have spent the day building Lego, playing marbles and watching DVDs. I have spent the day reading, scrapbooking and looking through scrapbooking magazines. We are all inside with the AC going and life couldn't be better. Everyone is just content!!!! These are the days.
Why do they have to end?????
Love to All
Jan 22, 2009
Happy Anniversary Honey
My thought for today - "People are only about as happy as they make up their minds to be."
Well today we celebrated our 9th Wedding Anniversary. Believe it or not Chris even remembered it and he bought me home a beautiful bunch of flowers. I cooked a yummy dinner for the family which was devoured - rack of lamb. We have been together for 19 years in August - yes I know that makes me feel old. Maybe you are asking the question did they start seeing each other when Narelle was 11 (if you're not asking that question you should be)? OK I started seeing Chris when I was 18 so this year I have had him in my life longer than without him. OMG I feel like I am getting so old!!!!! Anyway we did have a lovely evening.
Hope that all is well with you all.
Love Rell
Jan 21, 2009
The Secret

OK I know that I have your attention Belinda as you love a good secret LOL.
I was reading the other day and I read that "The Secret to having it all is believing that you already do."
I would have to say that I would have to agree with this whole heartedly. If you believe that you have it all then I guess that you do.
Have had a fabulous day. Went to see Bedtime Stories with my sons this morning and really enjoyed the movie - very clever. I may use is as motivation in my teaching. I was sitting in the cinema with my kids and I thought I really do have it good. I have two beautiful boys who are a delight to have in my life every single day. I have a hard working husband (that is probably going to be fried today). I have a comfortable home, I have the best friends that a girl could ask for. What more could a girl want???? So for now I am going to sit back and enjoy my all!!!!!
Love to All
Jan 19, 2009
Confucius Say
Confucius say, "Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life."
Narelle say - I don't know if Confucius is always right!! I thought that I had chosen a job that I like BUT I still feel that I have to work at it everyday.
OK it goes like this - Monday a few teacher decided to go into work to get an early start on the year. To clean and get things organised for the year. So we all go to work and do what we need to do THEN Belinda and I leave to take our kids home at 2.00pm. While we were there we could hear one of our students running on the roof. When we left we left a couple of teachers working and Bel was going to lock up later for them. When Bel returned to school she noticed that 4 of our new lap tops were missing and she phoned me. I rang the Boss and he confirmed that there should have been 5 still at school. So I phone the family of the child on the roof to let them know of the problem that we have had and they ask if I could pick up the lap tops from the house. Hmmmm! At this point I was at home and had to go and pick them up.
Yes I would have to say that maybe Confucius is a little confusedious. I have chosen a job that I love and adore but still have to work hard. And this is all happening while I am on holidays. So please if you hear anyone bagging a teacher please pass on my story - we do work hard and the holidays are not always ours!!! I am tired and I haven't even returned to the job that I love. That long service leave is looking mighty good!!!
Love to All
Narelle say - I don't know if Confucius is always right!! I thought that I had chosen a job that I like BUT I still feel that I have to work at it everyday.
OK it goes like this - Monday a few teacher decided to go into work to get an early start on the year. To clean and get things organised for the year. So we all go to work and do what we need to do THEN Belinda and I leave to take our kids home at 2.00pm. While we were there we could hear one of our students running on the roof. When we left we left a couple of teachers working and Bel was going to lock up later for them. When Bel returned to school she noticed that 4 of our new lap tops were missing and she phoned me. I rang the Boss and he confirmed that there should have been 5 still at school. So I phone the family of the child on the roof to let them know of the problem that we have had and they ask if I could pick up the lap tops from the house. Hmmmm! At this point I was at home and had to go and pick them up.
Yes I would have to say that maybe Confucius is a little confusedious. I have chosen a job that I love and adore but still have to work hard. And this is all happening while I am on holidays. So please if you hear anyone bagging a teacher please pass on my story - we do work hard and the holidays are not always ours!!! I am tired and I haven't even returned to the job that I love. That long service leave is looking mighty good!!!
Love to All
Jan 16, 2009
A Great Day Spent in the Pool with Friends
16th of Jan - Al and the kids come over for a catch up and a swim. The kids had a ball playing in the pool. The new floatie was a hit they jumped in it, on it and around it. We had a great day. I love hanging out with Al - we can sit and chat for hours about nothing. She is the best friend a girl could ask for.
Love to All
Jan 14, 2009
The Hunt is Over
The Hunt is Over - I now have the next book - NEW MOON - Yippee. Yesterday was my lucky day. I was out having lunch with some friends and stumbled upon a bookshop that had just got it in. Lucky me. So it will be nose in a book for the next few days. Can't believe that I am so hooked. Want desperately to see the movie and I even looked at the sound track yesterday.
Yesterday we also took the kids to see High School Musical - they loved it. We had a great day.
Well the Just Do It campaign continues. I cleaned out my wardrobe the other day and got an embarrassing 6 garbage bags out and the worst thing is that my wardrobe looks the same. You can't even tell that anything is missing. Next is the linen cupboard. I am slowly working my way through the house. It feels good to clean out all that we no longer use. Let's see what today brings.
Love to All with nose in book
Jan 10, 2009
Just Do It Day
Well today may not have been the most exciting day of my life but I treated it as a JUST DO IT DAY! I managed to sort out a years worth of mail, sort my tax receipts and get them ready to hand over, fill in forms to get a rebate from before and after school care - all of the jobs that I hate doing. There are only a couple of really bad ones left and they include typing up Chris' tax so that it is ready to go, clean out my wardrobe properly and be ruthless about it, sort out my Superannuation and roll all of the little funds into one and clean out my linen cupboard. Now the rest of these may not be completed today but a made a really good start and I feel so much better for it.
Last night we had a friend's boys (Jayden and Dylan) stay the night and most of today. The boys were all beautiful and enjoyed swimming and playing soccer and hanging out.
I am almost finished the first book in the Twilight series. I have read it in less than a week. Tomorrow I am on the hunt for the rest of the books. I hear that they are extremely hard to track down and that they may not be back in print until March - don't know if I can wait that long. Apparently they are more popular than Harry Potter - a little hard to believe. Now I am hanging out to go and see the movie.
Scrapping - nope I haven't completed any yet - a little sad- but I am sure that I will get some done in the next few days.
Still immensely enjoying the holidays. Stay up to the wee hours and then sleep in - yes this is the life for me.
Love to All
Jan 8, 2009
Nice and Relaxed -8th Jan
Here is a photo of the sun setting over Yamba - a few kms from where 2 of my sisters teach. The lucky buggars! It is a photo that represents the exact way that I feel at the moment - Nice and Relaxed. I don't ever remember enjoying holidays nearly as much as I am enjoying these ones. Today we went out and did a stack of things that need to be done including fitting the boys for school shoes. I was a little shocked and sadened when the lady said "Oh your son needs to go into the mens section - size 6" and I thought no that can not be true - can't you squeeze him into the boys section for one more year - he doesn't need mens shoes. What happened to my little boy????? It is funny the little things that happen so unexpectedly that can make you feel like you want to stop the clock. We had a good day - oh can't get enough of the holidays. It was good to have a change in the weather today - although I did contemplate putting on a jumper.
Hey there Bel - I do have a cracker of a name for your dog but will discuss it with you on the phone - it is female???? Missed you too! Can't wait to catch up.
Love to All
Jan 7, 2009
We're Back - 7th of January
Well we are back from our holidays. We had two wonderful weeks away - nice and relaxing. We got back last night. Luke was devastated when it was time to come home and he begged to stay. We all had a nice and relaxed holiday. I will do a catch up post to show you all some of the highlights. I even started to read a book - now I don't do that often. I am reading "Twilight" and I am loving it and finding it really hard to put down. I enjoyed the trip back as I got to sit and read until my heart was content. We are now just trying to catch up on the washing and all of those household task - put the Christmas decorations away and get back to normal. I love going home and I know I am there when I start to see the old gum trees, the sugar cane, windmills, old timber fences barely holding together. It all signifies that I am home - the place that I grew up in - the place where a large part of my heart remains. Not much changes in the country - it pretty much stays the same and that is OK with me.
Hope that all is well in your worlds. I will be back later on to do some holiday updates.
Love to All
Jan 3, 2009
Four Wheel Fun 3rd Jan 09
We spent a few nights with my youngest sister Belinda who lives in a corn field in the middle of no where. We had a great time racing each other on the four wheeler. The boys get along really well with Shayne and love staying there. Belinda had me on the back of her and at one stage she nearly lost me - she floored it badly over a huge bump. I literally had to check my pants when I got off the back of the bike. It was certainly a lot of fun.
Love to All
Jan 2, 2009
Dream World - 2nd Jan
Today we visited Dream World and the boys had a blast. We had such a great time. It is connected to White Water World which is a huge Waterpark and the boys loved this. They were so exhausted when we dragged them out of there. I think that they were just the right age to really enjoy all that the park had to offer. It will be sad when they grow and don't want to go on family holidays anymore. A brilliant day.
Love to All
Jan 1, 2009
Happy New Year
We had a great New Years Eve and celebrated with family at my sister Maryann's house. We had many laughs and reminised about the good old days. It all ended very badly at about 4.00am with my brother in law snorting Sambucca out of his nose - and then my sister blamed me for his bad behaviour. Hope that you all had a good night. Here is wishing you all happiness and good health for 2009. I hope that you all have a fantastic year.
Love to All
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