Dec 10, 2008

Wed 10th December


Here is a Christmas Tree that Luke and I made. We stole the idea from Belinda who stole it from another blog. It was nice to just sit and do something with my sons after a stressful day. Today I had to present a powerpoint presentation to about 30 big wigs and our School Education Director. I was put in a terrible situation!!! One that made me seriously consider taking some leave. I returned from the meeting from hell and then helped a friend prepare for an interview. So tonight I didn't mark reports or do any school work- I sat and for the first time in a long time I did something for the fun of it with Luke. The result was good and he took it in to show his teacher and they are now doing it for an art activity in class.

Love to All
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1 comment:

danielle said...

Came up beautifully. I want to know how you did that because I would love to have a go with my kids.

Dan xxxx