Sep 19, 2008


OK I got brave and blogged a photo of ME at Michelle's wedding- I only did this as this entry is about memories and I guess that we would like people to remember us at our best. I am sitting here smiling as I am reminising about all of the good times I have had over the years. I'm sure that I could write a book about the crazy things I have been involved in and OK maybe instigated. There are so many times where I have laughed until I cried - and that is what life is about!!!

Well I was reading Bel's blog and found this challenge which I thought sounded like a little fun. I thought that it also might help me as this point remember some of the fun times. I think remembering the good times it a wonderful thing to do and there have been some memorable moments (now once again Kylie I would like you to take it easy in this section as I have just as much on you!!!!). Mel if you are reading I don't think that it is necessary to get the house diary out and Michelle people don't want to know how I have scarred you. Dan be careful with your memories as we are meant to have a history.
Here’s how you play:
1. As a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn’t matter if you know me a little or a lot, anything you remember!
2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. It’s actually pretty funny to see the responses. If you leave a memory about me, I’ll assume you’re playing the game and I’ll come to your blog and leave one about you. If you don’t want to play on your blog, or if you don’t have a blog, I’ll leave my memory of you in my comments.

SO PLEASE leave me a memory........PLEASE
Lots of Love
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kylie said...

Well this is certainly one of the biggest challenges I have ever faced in my whole life....choosing just one memory of us!!! Let me see.

I think I'll have to go with one night not long after I had returned from London and you and I decided to go out. It started off very sensible. I even drove.

Things went rapidly downhill once a police car pulled up next to us. After a few shennanigans with the friendly, young, good looking officers the traffic lights turned green and we drove off. On went the sirens and we were pulled over for a very thorough inspection.

Rell, you really helped the situation when you drunkenly asked, "What seems to be the problem, Occifer?". We were already in trouble again and I had only been back in the country for 3days!!!

Even as I typed this I was giggling at the hundreds of other stories that were popping into my head - water bombs, tequila nights, the park in your street, ciggies on the toilet floor, handstand competitions, Taylor's birthday, Scooter.....the list just goes on and on.

Rell, it was so hard to pick just one memory. I always have the bestest times when I'm with you. Love you lots. xxxxxxxxx

Helene said...

I have only known you a a short time but we have still had a few giggles. But my best memory is the party you threw at your house before I left for NZ. I would never be able to thank you enough or tell you how much it meant to me. Thanks for being a great friend.


danielle said...

Like those before me I struggle to find just one moment. I am rather partial to the night out at Chan's when you and Helene worked your way down the cocktail menu. It was Jessie's birthday so everytime she went to the loo (and you always need to go a thousand times after you break the seal and go that first time) we topped up her drink without her knowing. She thought it was only two glasses but between us we must have got her drink about 2 litres of wine. Then as an extra special present you filled her handbag with the salt and pepper shakers, some chopsticks, a bowl and a menu. Nice one. I laughed so hard that night. Shame you wouldn't let me get her tattooed. Two small strategic tattoos, one "J" and one "hn". I think he would have liked it.

My sentimental favourite is the one that has caused me the most shit. Great night at the movies, I loved being able to relax and laugh and enjoy some great company and feel free to just be myself with no pressure. Well worth the aftermath. You have a definate talent for bringing people out of themselves, perhaps you could try using your powers for good instead of evil from now on.

Michelle said...

Well where do I start. I still to this day feel psychologically scared from growing up with you as my big sister & Linny as my little sister. Stuck in the middle and it seems an easy target.(A rose in between 2 pranksters)

Okay one memory sharing a room with you growing up, turn the light off you would say, I would say no, you turn the light off this would go on back & forth, then finally I would get up to turn the light off, only for my sister to turn it back on and make me turn it off ten times over. What a pain in the ass u were, but oh how we laughed and worked ourselves up to the point that we weren't even tired any more and couldn't sleep.

Then there was camping at Browns Rock I went to the toilet block away from the camp site late one night it was dark and i was scared but Rell & Linny wouldn't come with me even though I asked nicely maybe even begged. So i went off the toilets by myself, went to the toilet as i was coming out of the toilet block i hear a loud dog bark at me, well this frightened to no end and I ran back into the toilet block screaming and extremely frightened. I finally worked up the courage to run back to our camp site only to return to Rell and the rest of my family cracking up laughing as Rell tell's them how she snuck over to the toilet block and barked loudly like a big bloody dog just as I came out of toilets and then she flee back to camp site.

Very funny RELL, the only reason why i am scared of dogs was because not long before a Pittbull had biten me on the leg. Now you can see why I am psychologically scared. Thats my story and I am sticking to it.

Not to mention when I was a teenager and crying that you Rell & Linny start singing BIG Girls dont cry they dont Cryyy.(That dirty dancing song.) Well i ended up laughing at them i dont even remember why i was crying but you guys made me laugh so hard i think i starting crying again but this time from laughter.

Anyway Rell there are too many memories to put here but i must say looking back if they involved you it meant laughter and cheeky trouble. I will live with being scarred by you and I wouldn't have it any other way, I could not imagine not having you around. Life would be a little on the serious side without you around to make me laugh, make fun of me & keep me on the Ball.
Love You
Your Psychological Scared Sis Shell.

Michelle said...
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Unknown said...

hey Super teach! WOW great reads here!

well there was the day we LOOKED MIGHTY HOT in a 2 hour exec meeting and we even got the bosses attention (WOOOT WOOOO). it made someone MAD and by the end of the meeting we had a yelling match on our hands..., we laughed and she yelled BULLIES!!!! LOL

the night at IDOL when Andrew G jumped on you was pretty funny too

and those footy shorts when we painted those playground that was funny and it was the day that made me realise you were the most helpful teacher I have ever met.

love your Princess

Donna J said...

Where does one start? What about the time you introduced yourselves to the new deputy principal? We still to this day don't know how many there are. Or the time you were cracking the stock whip (literally) in the playgroung as a dare for the deputy ( maybe he was seeing just how may of you there are). Love your work, always entertaining and fun to participate and encourage.


melanie said...

Hmmmm, a memory about you???? Where shall I start?

How about the infamous night at your place? I believe it was one of your first big family dinners for Chris' family. All was going smoothly, everyone getting along well, lots of chatter and some polite giggles.... Then, ..... the Gremlins arrived! They scarped the icing off your choc cake dessert, they organised, then won, a handstand competition, they met Spiderman, gobbled up heaps of food, then fell asleep balancing on your neighbour's paling fence!

Hmmmm. other memories?
-paying the ice cream man with rocks from your park!!!
-Me, breaking my 21st birthday glass from you, on the night you gave it to me!

Or how about an all time favourite? Taylor's engraved birthday pen!!!!

Oh, Rell, just so many funny ones!

How about just my constant image/memory of you, being the kindest and most caring friend. Especially when jas was sick. You are so gorgeous and i will always cherish every memory I have of you!
Love always, mel