Sep 18, 2008

Father's Day Photos

Father's Day this year we went down for a play at the beach. The kids had a ball and ended up completely saturated - even when they weren't really in their swimmers or prepared. They had a ball. I love th beach - the kids always have a ball when we are there.
It was a great day - it was good just to get out as a family. This doesn't happen all that often anymore as life is too busy. Need to plan more outings.
Love to All
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Unknown said...

Oh honey you make me LAUGH
I turn on my computer to THREE POSTS, wow you have out done youself...were things slow at school today??? just joking

the big chair (well in our school the ONLY working/comfortable chair) is crazy but fun....i will be reminding you of the GOOD times not the LOONY BIN times around CV prepartion time.

hoping to see you and Chris at the PUB lots these holidays.

Helene said...

Hey rell, So happy that you are back. I have missed reading your stories. Hope you have nice relaxing weekend. Miss you lots.