Jul 25, 2008

Albums Sorted

One of my holiday jobs that I did actually achieve was to sort my albums in year order. It was a mammoth task and once I had started I started to wonder what I had created - one big mess. Anyway I got through and sorted the pages by year order. It was amazing to see all of my layouts when they were all laid out. Thank to Jen Hall for the inspiration. My albums start from 2002 and are fairly even. There are a couple of years where I seemed to have gone scrap crazy. Oh it feel so much better to have all my pages in albums - that is except for the ones that are in the shop.
So here are my albums in there temporary home. I am going to buy a nice big book case to go in the formal loungeroom to store the albums - but here will do for now. OK my next questions for all of you is how do I label them so I can tell what is what???? Anyone that has any bright ideas I would love to hear from you. So I have 10 full albums. Maybe that is a question for Jen Hall. I am very proud of myself as it seemed like a task that was way too big to ever conquer.

Hey Bel, When can you take some more beautiful photos of my family so that you can put all of those photography skills into practice??? Need some more nice photos to scrap.

Love to All
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