Jul 25, 2008

My Guys

Here are another 2 layouts that I created yesterday afternoon!! Look out I have my scrapping mojo back!! Oh it is good to feel well again. You don't know how much you miss your health until you don't have it.
Love to All
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I'm Coming Back

I'm on my way back!!! How do I know this??? There are two major indicators. The first is that I feel the desire to scrapbook and the other is that my sense of humour is coming back. When I was sick there was nothing that was funny BUT now there are many reasons to laugh. Oh how I missed laughing. Sorry Dan BUT you gave me a good laugh with your Coke this afternoon BUT mum's the word - say no more.

Well here are some things that I created for the shop. The first one is a DAD clock created in preparation for Father's Day. Really enjoyed doing this and was happy with the result. Then there is a Kaiser album that I used photos from Luke's 10th birthday in. Really happy with the result and the last is a 12x12 acrylic piece with one of our wedding photos on it. These were created yesterday and today. I am on a roll and am happy with the work that I am producing. As for the sense of humour look out world - I'M back!!!

Love to All
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Proud of You Luke

Soccer Finishes This Week!! Well the soccer season is coming to a sad end. Despite the fact that the team didn't score a goal or obviously win a game Luke really enjoyed the sport. He loved everything about it. He loved his 2 training nights and would be devastated if it was raining and he couldn't train. We are about to get our life back. We will suddenly have 2 nights a week back and Saturday. Last week Luke got Man of the Match. We were very proud of him and it was more than just a medal for him. The coach gave him a huge wrap in the change room. He talked about Luke's committment to the sport and the fact that he had not missed a training session and the if more of the team were like Luke that we would be winning games. It was nice to hear his hard work acknowledge as I do believe that he gave his all in every game. Well with one game to go let's hope that they can kick one in. Luke come close last week BUT he actually kicked it straight to the goal keeper. We are really proud of Luke and his achievement and I am actually glad that he knows how to lose gracefully. There are so many kids that can't take losing. Now a win in the future will be a BIG deal. I don't know if he will stick with soccer or whether he will go and give Rugby a go????? I kind of hope that he sticks with soccer. Will let you know how he goes in his last game.

Bel, if you want to try some sports photos we are at Hoxton Park Reserve at 3.00pm on Sat - just down the road. Would love to see you!

Love to All
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Albums Sorted

One of my holiday jobs that I did actually achieve was to sort my albums in year order. It was a mammoth task and once I had started I started to wonder what I had created - one big mess. Anyway I got through and sorted the pages by year order. It was amazing to see all of my layouts when they were all laid out. Thank to Jen Hall for the inspiration. My albums start from 2002 and are fairly even. There are a couple of years where I seemed to have gone scrap crazy. Oh it feel so much better to have all my pages in albums - that is except for the ones that are in the shop.
So here are my albums in there temporary home. I am going to buy a nice big book case to go in the formal loungeroom to store the albums - but here will do for now. OK my next questions for all of you is how do I label them so I can tell what is what???? Anyone that has any bright ideas I would love to hear from you. So I have 10 full albums. Maybe that is a question for Jen Hall. I am very proud of myself as it seemed like a task that was way too big to ever conquer.

Hey Bel, When can you take some more beautiful photos of my family so that you can put all of those photography skills into practice??? Need some more nice photos to scrap.

Love to All
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Jul 23, 2008

Whale Watching - July 08

While Linny was here we went into the harbour to do some Whale Watching. I wasn't really convinced that we were going to see any BUT we saw lots. It was a beautiful cruise and it was amazing to be so close to these amazing creatures. We had the prime viewing position on the boat. It was a lovely sunny day out on the harbour. I was a little worried about going out beyong the heads and getting seasick But I was OK. We really had a a good and it was a great experience for the boys. Love these photos and can't wait to scrap book the experience. Well now that I am nearly caught up on the blog I guess that I can turn to some scrapping. I haven't scrapped all holidays. But I will be back on track soon.
Love to All
Would Highly Recommend Whale Watching on the Harbour.
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Our Snow Trip - July 08

WE made our annual trip to the snow again this year. We had lots of fun. The boys were a little sick and this prevented us from going up to the Ski Fields. Luckily there was plently of snow around Cabramurra where we stay. It snowed the whole first night we were there. We thought at one stage that we may get snowed in.
The scenery in the snow is just beautiful. This is a lake near where we stay that had iced over. I love this part of the trip.
The boys have a ball in the snow. They love nothing more than to tabogan and play in the snow.
I love the tree in the snow. They bend with the strain of the ice. They are just so beautiful. It is so pretty.

Love To All
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Sick of Being Sick

OMG I have been so sick with the flu. I was sick for the whole holiday period. I don't remember having one day that I felt well. I also don't remember ever being this sick. The Doctor just said that it was a major case of the FLU. I also had a gastro bug on top of it and I am still not eating properly. I really am sick of being sick. On Thursday of the 2nd week I just sat and cried as my Mum and Dad were down and I was trying to look after them, then I made my Mum sick with what I had (only she didn't get it quite as bad as she had the flu shot - thank God) and then I was also still trying to take care of the boys. Life still had to go on and I didn't have the strength to move at the pace that it was. Lucky that my boys can occupy themselves and that they are really independent as they had to look after themselves a lot. It was probably the worst holiday that I have ever had. I am still not well and still coughing a lot. I seriously can't wait to be well again. I have had a few days off work and am trying to look after myself. I am still going to bed really early to try and get over the dreaded FLU. It is only now that I feel well enough to even get on the computer. I have just been SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO sick.

Hope that everyone out there is well and happy. I am on the come back and can't wait to have all of my strength back.

Love to All

Jul 6, 2008

The Lazer Zone Party/Sleepover

Well here we are in the middle of Luke's Sleepover. The Lazer-Zone Party was excellent and I would highly recommend it for any boys out there. I walked in and walked out with very little to do - my kind of party. The boys had an absolute ball. What is it with boys and GUNS???? They love to shoot. It was so much fun watching them and their little strategies that they developed.
Here are some picture from the party. Lots of happy smiling faces. Luke only had 10 of his closest friends at the party and then invited them to sleep over. Well it is nearly 12.00pm and the boys are starting to slow down. They are currently making some Macarno cars that I gave out as prizes. WE have had a top night! We have played Crab Soccer, Sock Hockey, Musical Pillows, a Drama Game involving some acting and tie the Snake in a Knot in your Mouth. Loads of Fun!!!! All of the boys joined in and had a good laugh. I have one down - one who requested to go to bed and Chris is in bed (but he was up early this morning). Only a few more to go now. It really has been a good night. Mc Donalds was a hit for dinner - can't go wrong. All kids are really settled. A nice bunch of kids that I would have any day for a sleep over. maybe I could adopt them all????? Well unless something drastic goes wrong and they don't fall asleep Luke's Sleepover has been a huge success. Fun had by all.
I now have the flu! I hope that my holidays aren't going to be spent sick. Luke had a cracker of a soccer game today. They nearly scored. They all worked so hard today. The score ended up 4/0 but I have to say that I am really proud of the way that they all played. Well tomorrow Luke if off to be ball boy for the Marconi vrs West Berries game. Looking foward to that.
Well hope that all is well in everyones world. Feeling really content and happy! Loving the holidays!!!
Love to All
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Jul 3, 2008

Call Me Crazy

Ok - maybe I am a little crazy. On Saturday we are having 10 x10years olds sleeping at our house. HMMMM what have I done? Is is too late to change my mind. Our lounge room is covered in beds and mattresses. Probably shouldn't have worried about the beds. It is not like anyone is going to go to sleep!!!!

Other holiday Plans -
Saturday Luke's party and sleepover
Sunday say goodbye to the kids at 10.00am and then Luke is being a ball boy for the West Berries vrs Marconi on Sunday afternoon.
Monday we are having a play date for Ben's Birthday at Tic Toks and then in the afternoon we are picking my sister up from the airport.
Tuesday we are going into the city to Whale Watching and then to the IMAX theatre and then Luke trains at night.
Wednesday a bit of a shop with my sister and then we pack up to go to the snow on Wednesday night.
In the snow until Sunday.
Take Lin to the airport Monday and then my Parents are coming to stay.
Lots organised for the holidays. I just need to keep myself well as I had a gall stone attack on Tuesday night and it was a major one - thought about going to hospital. Managed to get through it. Will go to the doctor tomorrow to sort out how I can be operated on. I am still really sore. So I need to recover to get through all of the above. Hope that those that are lucky enough to be on holidays really enjoy their break. Apart from that I have a little school work to do and I want to get some major scrapbooking done.

My holiday list of things to do:
* Sort my scrapbooking albums out properly!
* Sort the scrapbooking supplies and give my desk to Chris for his paperwork.
* Clean out my wardrobe.
* Clean out Benny's wardrobe.
* Have the carpets steam cleaned.
* Visit Kylie and see gorgeous little Thomas!
* Sort my bookcase and take some of my text books to school.
* Sort my cupboards at work seriously!
* Get my new leather lounge delivered.
* Rest /Relax and generally enjoy the holidays.
* Start making Sheree's wedding invitations.

Well there is the list. See how much I get through. Most of all I really want my albums sorted year by year.
Love to All
PS I will post some sleepover photos if I survive.

Happy 10th Birthday My Son

Happy Birthday Lukey. I hope that you have the best day of your life. It should be a good one as you are playing representative Football all day. Oh my God - I can't believe that you are 10. Where have the years gone? It only seems like yesterday that you were a little baby or that I was pregnant. The years have flown by much too fast. Before I know it you will be all grown up and wanting to leave home!!!! Where did my little baby go??? I remember joking with friends years ago saying soon we will have 10 year olds - well soon seems to come too soon and here we are - the BIG 10!!!!
You Birthday cake request was a chocolate cake with your favourite chocolate - Areobar on it and the representation of your favourite football team the Bulldogs. You got to request you favourite dinner - Chicken Wrapped in Bacon and Vegetables.
Football went well. We lost all three games. I was expecting to be thrashed BUT you all played really well. You were in there making many of the tackles. I thought that you may be a little scared BUT I saw little fear. We are very proud of you Luke in representing your school. I hope that you continue to involve your self in all aspects of school life.

Lots of Love
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