May 11, 2008

An Emotional Day

Today I conducted our first Mother's Day Assembly at school. It all went really well. My aim was to let all of the Mum's out there what they mean to their kids. It was extremely emotional assembly. We had several staff members who got really emotional, kids were upset and parents were teary. All is all it went really well despite the waterworks. There were songs, talks given by kids and a slideshow. Mums are very special people and I don't feel that we honour them enough and show our appreciation all of the time. I guess that like everything we take them for granted. Thanks to Karen who put herself out there and got really emotional about her Mum and Di I apologise for upsetting you. I am sure that your Mum was looking down on you and smiling. I am sure that she could feel the love that was being sent. All of the kids really stepped up on the day and presented well. It was one time in my career when I felt really proud to be a part of my school and the children that I work with. Al I hope that you can forgive me one day - I didn't mean for it to be so emotional. It will be a memorable moment in my teaching career.
Mums Rock
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