Apr 16, 2008

What do You Do When You Lose Your Scrapbooking Mojo?

So what do you do when you lose your scrapbooking mojo??? I guess you blog. Today I had put the day aside to sit down and create and everything I pick up I don't want to scrap. What is wrong with me???? Maybe I have too much time on my hands. I will try again later. I think that I will go and cook a Shepherds Pie and then clean my oven.

What I really want to do is sort my scrapbooking albums out and get them in year order (like Jen Hall - thanks for the inspiration). I want to put them all into D-ring albums (if that means anything to anyone out there) Not sure that I am brave enough YET - I will let you know how I go. I wish that I had a memory like Belinda's so that I could remember all of the details the way that she does.
This is a photo of Mitchell and Aiden - they are neighbours. The boys really enjoy playing with them. They are all roughly the same age. They usually get along really well - good holiday company. The boys are just happy to stay at home and hang out with them. They are all out the front playing soccer at the moment. They are good kids and our families are very similar.
Dearest Helene, We do miss you so!!!! I have been really concerned about you. It was great to hear your voice yesterday. Things are not the same around here without you. Know how proud we are of you for giving the whole big move to New Zealand a go. You are a very brave girl!!!! Know that not much changes and that we will all be here for you when you get back home. Love Ya Rell

OK so off to clean the oven and cook a Shepherds Pie. I should take before and after shots of it to see if the elbow grease was effective.

Talk to You All Soon

PS For those who wanted the Fortune Teller's Number here it is 46267718 - she was fantastic and even if none of what she said comes true the visit made me feel better in some kind of way ( Kylie say Hi next time).
PSS Howdy Stef! Hope that all is going well and that you are enjoying motherhood. Never know what is a good time to ring you - with sleeptimes. Can't wait to meet your little man.
PSSS Bel you better be seriously crossing things off that list.
PSSSS Lindy Lou - glad that you are back safe and sound. We missed you. Want to catch up in the holidays.
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