Apr 27, 2008
My Mum
Forgot to put this one up. This is a clock that I did for Mum ready for Mother's Day. Since I have become a mum I have realised what special people mother's are. My Mum is just gorgeous - she is everything that I want to be. She is an inspiration. She has had seven children and did it tough. She raised us all to be the successful people that we all are today. So to all of the Mother's out there - A big Hello and know what an important job you have in raising your little treasures.Love to ALL of the MOTHERS out there. Keep doing the special job that you do.Rell
A Little Share Before It Is All Over
I thought that I hadn't done a lot of scrapbooking in the holidays but when I look at what I have I guess that I gave it a reasonable go. The above is a Dream Kaiser book created for the shop. I really enjoyed using these bright Sandylion range - easy to work with.
Benjamin my dear son you are forever pulling faces to keep everyone around you amused and you usually achieve your goal quite easily. Love these photos as they show your cheeky side. Some people see you are this quiet and innocent little boy - well these photos are a very telling sign of who you are. You can be quiet and innocent but on the other hand you can be a little ratbag.
OK the other thing that I have started is an "Everyday Moments" journal. I got my inspiration from Jen Hall's journal and I wanted one just the same. So I started back-tracking on the moments that stand out since the beginning of the year. I am not going to journal everyday as Jen does I am going to do the highlights of the month and this way I think that I may be able to keep up with it. I have told myself that every page doesn't need to be a masterpiece - just a record of our lives in 2008. I am happy with the start I have made - would have liked to have had it up to date before the end of the holidays but never mind.
My other project was to sort my albums out in Jen Hall style - however I didn't quite make it that far. I purchased some Print Blocks albums ready to go but didn't manage to get started. That might have to be a Friday job. I will keep you posted.
BOO HOOO !! Sniff, Sigh, Snoff. Well the Holidays are almost over. They have been good ones but boy did they fly (as they always do). I think that I mostly achieved all that I wanted to do. Well I have a clean fridge, freezer, oven, stove and kitchen cupboards (didn't get to the pantry - another Friday job), dusted the timber blinds and the whole house, I renewed my licence, caught up with lots of friends, did some scrapbooking, had a few family outings, shopped for Ben's birthday present, bought mum's and MIL's Mother's day presents, made a clock for my mother, made sample invitations for Sheree's wedding and generally relaxed. I also revamped the Peer Support Program, looked at PD lessons for stage 3, did some Mother's Day things for school, looked at the Writing Rescue Program and covered 40 books from it. Hmmm what didn't I get done that needs to go on my follow up list. I wanted to have Ben's B'day Party organised, wanted to get my hair done (booked in for this Friday), I wanted to buy all of my nieces and nephews B'day presents as their birthday all fall within the next couple of months. But I think that is all that I missed.
School Tomorrow - well I have been busy cooking up a storm for tomorrows lunch. I have got the Chicken Pies ready to go. Whose idea was it for us to have to cook on our last day of holidays?????? All ready to go.
Well my lovely ladies it will probably be back to weekly posts again now. The usual Friday effort. I hope that everyone had a really good weekend.
Love To All
Benjamin my dear son you are forever pulling faces to keep everyone around you amused and you usually achieve your goal quite easily. Love these photos as they show your cheeky side. Some people see you are this quiet and innocent little boy - well these photos are a very telling sign of who you are. You can be quiet and innocent but on the other hand you can be a little ratbag.
OK the other thing that I have started is an "Everyday Moments" journal. I got my inspiration from Jen Hall's journal and I wanted one just the same. So I started back-tracking on the moments that stand out since the beginning of the year. I am not going to journal everyday as Jen does I am going to do the highlights of the month and this way I think that I may be able to keep up with it. I have told myself that every page doesn't need to be a masterpiece - just a record of our lives in 2008. I am happy with the start I have made - would have liked to have had it up to date before the end of the holidays but never mind.
My other project was to sort my albums out in Jen Hall style - however I didn't quite make it that far. I purchased some Print Blocks albums ready to go but didn't manage to get started. That might have to be a Friday job. I will keep you posted.
BOO HOOO !! Sniff, Sigh, Snoff. Well the Holidays are almost over. They have been good ones but boy did they fly (as they always do). I think that I mostly achieved all that I wanted to do. Well I have a clean fridge, freezer, oven, stove and kitchen cupboards (didn't get to the pantry - another Friday job), dusted the timber blinds and the whole house, I renewed my licence, caught up with lots of friends, did some scrapbooking, had a few family outings, shopped for Ben's birthday present, bought mum's and MIL's Mother's day presents, made a clock for my mother, made sample invitations for Sheree's wedding and generally relaxed. I also revamped the Peer Support Program, looked at PD lessons for stage 3, did some Mother's Day things for school, looked at the Writing Rescue Program and covered 40 books from it. Hmmm what didn't I get done that needs to go on my follow up list. I wanted to have Ben's B'day Party organised, wanted to get my hair done (booked in for this Friday), I wanted to buy all of my nieces and nephews B'day presents as their birthday all fall within the next couple of months. But I think that is all that I missed.
School Tomorrow - well I have been busy cooking up a storm for tomorrows lunch. I have got the Chicken Pies ready to go. Whose idea was it for us to have to cook on our last day of holidays?????? All ready to go.
Well my lovely ladies it will probably be back to weekly posts again now. The usual Friday effort. I hope that everyone had a really good weekend.
Love To All
Apr 26, 2008
Our Big Day Out in the City
On Thursday Chris had the day off work and we had a day out in the City. The weather was terrible BUT it didn't really bother us too much. First we went to Wildlife World and our favourite part of that was the enclosure where all fo the beautiful butterflies fly around you. It was actually a lot better than I thought it was going to be. Then we had some lunch and the boys asked if they could get some chips with the football cards in them (not for the chips but for the card). We paid $2.50 a packet which we though was nothing short of highway robbery and Luke pulled his favourite player - Hazem from the Bulldogs out.

We then went to the IMAX theatre and watched a Dinosaur Movie. It was brilliant. None of us had ever been to the theatre so it was something different for us all. Luke kept trying to touch the dinosaurs. It made me laugh that an educated little cookie could still think that the 3D effects were real. I think that he knew that he couldn't touch them but that didn't stop him from trying and trying and trying. The dinosaurs were HUGE!!!! Very enjoyable. The boys enjoyed having their dad around for the day. It is not often that he has time off and we made the most of it while he did. I love the above photo of the boys with their 3D glasses. We had a top day. There need to be more days like these.
Luke thanked us for the great day out and said that this was the best day of his life. Trip to the City, visit Wildlife World and Imax Theatre - getting the Hazem Football Card PRICELESS!!
Love to All

We then went to the IMAX theatre and watched a Dinosaur Movie. It was brilliant. None of us had ever been to the theatre so it was something different for us all. Luke kept trying to touch the dinosaurs. It made me laugh that an educated little cookie could still think that the 3D effects were real. I think that he knew that he couldn't touch them but that didn't stop him from trying and trying and trying. The dinosaurs were HUGE!!!! Very enjoyable. The boys enjoyed having their dad around for the day. It is not often that he has time off and we made the most of it while he did. I love the above photo of the boys with their 3D glasses. We had a top day. There need to be more days like these.
Luke thanked us for the great day out and said that this was the best day of his life. Trip to the City, visit Wildlife World and Imax Theatre - getting the Hazem Football Card PRICELESS!!
Love to All
Apr 23, 2008
A Day Out at Tic Toks
We spent the day with Al and the kids at Tic Tiks. The kids had a great and were completely exhausted at the end of it. Luke spun the tea cup that fast that I thought at one point that Ben might fly out. It was hilarious watching them. Al and I sat and covered 40 books for the Writing Rescue program and then I looked over the program so that I would be familiar with it for next term. Bel I think that we might chat because as you implement PM Writer I am going to implement this. So many people stopped and talked to us about the book covering - Al and I tried to recruit a few helpers but no on was interested. Tic Toks owner asked me if I wanted to work in January and cover kids school books while the kids played and parents drunk coffee. I declined the offer.
After the big day out I cooked us a yummy dinner. Chris and Luke both love T-bone steak so we had that and onion gravy with some vegetables. After that I checked the kids winter uniforms and then become completely inspired and cleaned my oven. I would have posted before and after photos but I was too embarrassed. It may have made a few of you feel better about you own ovens. I really hat that job. I hate it even more that I hate mopping. So tonights job is to clean out the fridge and defrost the freezer. I feel like I am running out of time (the days are flying).
Today I was at Mc Donald having lunch with some friends and one of them was whinging about only having a sister and how she doesn't like to play soccer with him. Then when I got home and both my boys went out to play happily I realised how lucky we have two boys. They are great company for each other and generally get along really well. They keep each other occupied.
Anyway I will try to get some scrapping done so that I can share.
Love to All
Apr 22, 2008
Our Romantic Night
OK so we organise for the boys to have sleep over with their friends. Ben went to Michael's and Luke went to Jayden/Dylan's. It started off with me feeling really nervous about Benny sleeping at someone else's house without Luke to look after him. But he wanted to - guess that he was ready and that you have to let them go at some point. I knew that Luke would be fine as he is a little older and sleepovers are the done thing-although he still hasn't slept at anyone's house except Aunty Shu Shu's house. So I do the drop off and then go for a little shopping outing with my sister. You know I should have really enjoyed the peaceful shop but it wasn't the same without my boys.
Oh how I wish I could relax and enjoy those few moments when they are not around.
Chris and I decided to go for dinner (nice and romantic). Well it was far from that as I spent too much time texting to make sure that Ben had gone off to sleep OK. There were no dramas - he was fine. It was me who wasn't coping.
On return home I felt a little under the weather with the flu. I had a shower and when I come out to the kitchen Chris was sitting doing his paperwork. I went to bed and didn't hear him even come to bed. Then I woke up early the next morning and couldn't go back to sleep.
Realisation!!!! I thought that my kids were a big part of my life but what I realised is that they really are my life. They are "My Everything." Yes my life has changed dramatically since they have been in it - all for the better.
What I have promised myself is that the next time that they go that I WILL enjoy my time more!!!!!!!!!! Maybe alcohol will help.
So no big Romantic Night (sorry Chris)- just a mother counting the hours until her kids were back under her roof where she could hear them breathe and tell them to brush their teeth and greet them good morning and do all of those things that only a mother does.My dearest family, you really do mean the world to me.
Love Rell
Apr 18, 2008
Happy Birthday to My Sister
Just wanted to wish you a very Happy Birthday Maryann. Hope that you have a great day!! Wish that we were up there to celebrate with you. You are probably gettting ready to take the girls shopping. Hello to my beautiful nieces. How cute are all of you???? Hope that you are enjoying your holidays and that you are being good for mum. The boys want to know when is Uncle Nick coming to Sydney again??? Maybe the family can plan a trip to the big smoke.
Love To All
Apr 16, 2008
What do You Do When You Lose Your Scrapbooking Mojo?
So what do you do when you lose your scrapbooking mojo??? I guess you blog. Today I had put the day aside to sit down and create and everything I pick up I don't want to scrap. What is wrong with me???? Maybe I have too much time on my hands. I will try again later. I think that I will go and cook a Shepherds Pie and then clean my oven.
What I really want to do is sort my scrapbooking albums out and get them in year order (like Jen Hall - thanks for the inspiration). I want to put them all into D-ring albums (if that means anything to anyone out there) Not sure that I am brave enough YET - I will let you know how I go. I wish that I had a memory like Belinda's so that I could remember all of the details the way that she does.
This is a photo of Mitchell and Aiden - they are neighbours. The boys really enjoy playing with them. They are all roughly the same age. They usually get along really well - good holiday company. The boys are just happy to stay at home and hang out with them. They are all out the front playing soccer at the moment. They are good kids and our families are very similar.
Dearest Helene, We do miss you so!!!! I have been really concerned about you. It was great to hear your voice yesterday. Things are not the same around here without you. Know how proud we are of you for giving the whole big move to New Zealand a go. You are a very brave girl!!!! Know that not much changes and that we will all be here for you when you get back home. Love Ya Rell
OK so off to clean the oven and cook a Shepherds Pie. I should take before and after shots of it to see if the elbow grease was effective.
Talk to You All Soon
PS For those who wanted the Fortune Teller's Number here it is 46267718 - she was fantastic and even if none of what she said comes true the visit made me feel better in some kind of way ( Kylie say Hi next time).
PSS Howdy Stef! Hope that all is going well and that you are enjoying motherhood. Never know what is a good time to ring you - with sleeptimes. Can't wait to meet your little man.
PSSS Bel you better be seriously crossing things off that list.
PSSSS Lindy Lou - glad that you are back safe and sound. We missed you. Want to catch up in the holidays.
What I really want to do is sort my scrapbooking albums out and get them in year order (like Jen Hall - thanks for the inspiration). I want to put them all into D-ring albums (if that means anything to anyone out there) Not sure that I am brave enough YET - I will let you know how I go. I wish that I had a memory like Belinda's so that I could remember all of the details the way that she does.
This is a photo of Mitchell and Aiden - they are neighbours. The boys really enjoy playing with them. They are all roughly the same age. They usually get along really well - good holiday company. The boys are just happy to stay at home and hang out with them. They are all out the front playing soccer at the moment. They are good kids and our families are very similar.
Dearest Helene, We do miss you so!!!! I have been really concerned about you. It was great to hear your voice yesterday. Things are not the same around here without you. Know how proud we are of you for giving the whole big move to New Zealand a go. You are a very brave girl!!!! Know that not much changes and that we will all be here for you when you get back home. Love Ya Rell
OK so off to clean the oven and cook a Shepherds Pie. I should take before and after shots of it to see if the elbow grease was effective.
Talk to You All Soon
PS For those who wanted the Fortune Teller's Number here it is 46267718 - she was fantastic and even if none of what she said comes true the visit made me feel better in some kind of way ( Kylie say Hi next time).
PSS Howdy Stef! Hope that all is going well and that you are enjoying motherhood. Never know what is a good time to ring you - with sleeptimes. Can't wait to meet your little man.
PSSS Bel you better be seriously crossing things off that list.
PSSSS Lindy Lou - glad that you are back safe and sound. We missed you. Want to catch up in the holidays.
Apr 14, 2008
Whoo Hoo The Holidays Are Here

Whoo Hoo!!!! How I love the holidays. The last couple of weeks have been difficult. Can't wait to catch up on a few things that I haven't had time for. Planning on spending lots of time with the boys, catching up with friends and doing some scrapbooking.
The holidays got off to a busy start. Saturday morning we had a 9.00am soccer game which we lost. Luke played really well - proud of him. He has learnt so much. I had to do tuckshop duty from 8.00-9.00pm. Thought that I should contact Kyle (Kyle and Jackie O) and let him know how the tuckshop lady's arms were going. Then I met with some family to help design some wedding invitations. Poor Sheree too many choices. We come up with 3 designs that look really good. Then Sunday morning I picked up Dylan and Jayden to take care of them while Kylee went to a wedding. At one stage I counted 7 boys in our house all playing. I think that our house is the local hangout. I took the boys to Tic Toks in the afternoon to try and expend some energy. Dylan and Jayden stayed the night and were perfectly behaved. My boys enjoyed the sleepover. So I dropped the boys home this morning and then went off to meet Karen and Michelle for lunch. Had a great day girls. We also went off to a Fortune Teller and I had my Fortune told. This is how it went;
My Fortune - April 2008
One of the first things that this was going to be a good year for me. My finances are on the way up. She said that with my health that the only things that she could detect were some problems around or above the stomach and that I was going to be rushed to hospital soon (maybe my gall bladder - it has been a bit how you going - had pain on Saturday) and the only other thing was a weakness in my lower back.
She said was that she could see a third child and this would be a girl.
She kept referring to this and said that there was little that I could do as this was going to happen. She said to tell my husband that he is not too old and that the little girl would become the apple of his eye. She told me that everyone around me was in good health and when I asked about my parents she told me that I was going to have them for a long time. She told me that my husband drove a lot in his job and that he works too hard - he needs to take a break (hmmm maybe I should book him in for a visit to Sharona). She said that he is not much of a communicator and that when he goes within himself not to worry that this is just the way that he is. She told me that if I wanted to get rid of my husband that I would have to kill him as he is not going away. She referred a lot to my family and told me that Michelle was going to be pregnant within a year and that she was going to have a boy. She told me that Belinda is going to have hassles with wedding plans (something to do with the bridal party - Bel I am available if you need a bridesmaid). She said that Belinda's first child would be a girl. She told me about other things that have happened in my family that were spot on. I am meant to be buying or selling property -so maybe a move on my hands. She told me that in my job that in 2009 that I was in for some new learning (something to do with leadership) not just teaching children she said. She said that it may involve study or maybe a new role. The main thing that she kept referring to was the third child. The little girl kept coming up in the cards. Interesting!!! Could this be true??? Only time will tell.
I really enjoyed the visit. She seemed to touch on many things that were a little too real. My reason for writing this all down was so that I can refer back and see what comes true. For anyone interested I have her details and can give them to you.
An interesting and thought provoking day.
Signing off. Love to All
Apr 5, 2008
The Soccer Mum
Well it is Saturday and we have had our first official game of soccer. Love the official jersey with his name - makes him important even before he takes the field. WE lost 7-0. A big loss - the other team was amazing. A bit worried about the fact that Luke is playing in the Under 11s (and he is 9) and that he is playing in Division 2 (the 2nd highest division). I think that we are going to experience a few losses. I don't mind that as I think that kids need to know how to lose gracefully. It doesn't seem to matter - Luke still had a great time. He was the Team Captain today. A job that he took very seriously!!! I am ever so proud of him. He led the troops out and picked them up when they fell down. I have a sore throat from yelling words of encouragement. It was an early morning start. Wasn't too bad today as it was a warm day. Don't know if I am going to enjoy those cold mornings. Enjoyed my first morning of being a soccer mum. Hmm not sure about soccer as being a sport that is easy to photograph!!! Not sure how many scrapbooking moments will come out of this.
Signing off - Soccer Mum
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