Mar 28, 2008

Easter 08 Update

Look at these gorgeous photos of my boys. Hmmm I don't think that there is ever a photo shoot when one of them doesn't pull a face. I don't mind it just gives me more evidence for their 21st Birthdays. Ben's little smile with no teeth still cracks me up.

Well Easter wsa spent with family and friends, eating lots of chocolate (had no plans of being good) and scrapbooking. Life doesn't get much better that this. I hope that everyone had a Hoppy Easter and that you all had a lovely break. I really enjoyed my time off and feel that I managed to fit a lot into the three days. Here are some photos of us at the Ryno's for Easter. We had a wonderful time and we always manage to find something to laugh at. This year it was all of us trying to fix the pool which had cracked. Hmm not sure if the pool is any better or if it is actually worse?????
Thought that I would share some of the layouts that I created over the break. I was on a roll and really motivated and made the most of it. I also made a beautiful Kiaser clock which I love. I am now going to start to make some Mother's Day presents with these clock for the 2 beautiful Mother's in my life.
I was a really lucky girl and I got a second Pandora braclet from the boys. It was a surprise and probably the most thoughtful present that I have ever received. Luke continues to amaze me. He has grown up to be this amazing and beautiful soul. I have tears in my eyes as I am describing him. He is so thoughtful and loves nothing more than to please. I thank my lucky stars every day as I know that I have been blessed with my two gorgeous boys. Anyway Luke took his father off to the jeweller and ordered the braclet and then he picked out the heart charm and Ben picked out the rabbit charm for Easter. Luke even knew what size to order in the braclet ( he knows more about this than me). When I asked him about how he knew which size to order he said that he had remembered the size from my first one and he said to me "See Mum I do listen." So at some point I have obviously told him that he doesn't listen. Really need to eat those words.

It is not only the thought that went into the braclet that makes me reflect on the beauty within my son there are a million other little things that he does on a daily basis. He is the one that always asks "How was your day Mum?", the one that notices if your not happy, the one to ask if he can do anything for you. I hope that he always maintains his genuine care for others as this is a beautiful quality to have. (Sorry a bit of a soppy/mushy update). As you can see I had a really good Easter!!!!!!
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Alison said...

That pandora story is just too sweet. What a little gem Luke is! He'll make a great hubby some day. :)

Unknown said...

have i mentioned i love these! tell my MIL will you!!!!!