Dec 30, 2007
Christmas 2007
Christmas 2007 - We had a super Christmas. We celebrated at our house with the Nies Family. I was also lucky enough to have my sister with me. They were supposed to go home but I was secretly happy that they stayed. I think my favourite part was when Chris played Santa and he rung the Christmas bell so hard that it broke. We had lots of food but after having the family for a couple of days it all went. We ate through 5kg of prawns, 6 chickens and a 20kg butt of beef. We also managed numerous salads. The boys were wrapped with their DS and haven't stopped playing it. They were up at 1.00am and were sent back to bed and then up again at 6.ooam but I guess that this is all part of the excitement. They loved having all of the cousins around and were upset when they all went home. A wonderful Christmas.
Christmas Scrapbooking
Christmas Scrapbooking- Enjoying the holidays I have completed a couple of little projects. I have made a Star Book and a little Santa Book. I have just started an acrylic album. I will put that up when it I have finished. Loving the holidays, loving sleeping in, loving staying in my pyjamas, loving having the family around, loving it all.
Reindeer ChallengeBelinda found this great Christmas table decoration, so we all got busy making reindeers. Yes some of mine look like they belong at the Special School for Reindeers. We had fun making them. The family were impressed. The only thing that would have made them better is if we had sat together to make them. The pretzel part was fun and I think that I nearly ate a bag of pretzels in the process. So girls I propose a reindeer creating session for next year. Thanks Belinds for sharing. I have the idea for mini plum puddings for next year.
Dec 18, 2007
Staff Night Out
A Night Out With the Bonnies - On Friday night we went to celebrate the end of year at Chan's. We had a great night and hit the floor for a Sing Song and what a Sing Song it was. I really do love the people that I work with. They make my job what it is and I don't know how I would get through some days without them. I am blessed to work with so many beautiful people. Look at all of their gorgeous, happy smiles!!!
Swimming Carnival
Swim - Luke had his Swimming Carnival on the 14th of December. He swam 2nd in Freestyle, 2nd in Breaststroke and 2nd in Backstroke. The same kid kept beating him in all of the events. The same thing happened last year. I told Luke that I think that he would beat him next year. He did really well. After his events I took him to have some lunch. After he had eaten 1/2 a tub of dip he was then called for the relay. He was selected as he was one of the best times of the day. He was really nervous and I think that if I had of let him he would have pulled out. I told him that he had to do it for his team. He was swimming with year 5 & 6 students and this was a little off putting. I was really proud. He did really well considering that he had just recovered from the German Measles. I really enjoyed the day and glad that it was a Friday so that I could be with him.
Dec 9, 2007
Christmas Time
Christmas Time - You know that it is Christmas time when you see these things appearing around our house. We love Christmas and all that goes with it. We love buying for our family and friends. I love the get togethers with those we love. I enjoy making the Christmas cards and receiving them. We enjoy going and looking at the Christmas lights. We love decorating the Christmas tree and the house. We love the excitement of Christmas Eve when the kids find it hard to sleep. Christmas is such a beautiful time of the year. I love the fact that it brings some holidays so that we get more family time together. Christmas holds many wonderful memories for me.
Dec 6, 2007
A Few Layouts
Some Recent Scrapbooking
Here are a few layout that I have done for the shop. Love the one of Benny - such cute photos. I'm not one usually to scrap much of Christmas - don't know why, maybe because I usually put some effort into Christmas cards or because the event has passed. This year I got in early.
Measle Update- Luke isn't any better. In fact the rash is probably the worst that it has been tonight. He has not been well today. Just resting. Back to the doctor tomorrow. It is a week tomorrow since it all started. At the moment I am hoping that it is only the measles. It is starting to upset Luke as well as he knows that he isn't getting better and I keep telling him don't worry it should be better tomorrow.
Dec 4, 2007
We've Got the Measles

We are all Dotty!!!
Poor Luke has just contracted the German Measles.
Yes I hear the questions - doesn't immunisation cover that?? Yes it should but apparently not in all cases. If he had not been immunised we would have been in serious trouble. He has had this rash since last Friday. It is bizzare as sometimes you can harldy notice it and then at other times it is raised and angry. This is killing Luke as he can't see his friends at the moment. It has made me realise what a social child he is.
I have been stressed out this week as I have been off work looking after him. I have to keep reminding myself that I am a mum first. I just have so many things to do before the end of the year. It has been such a bad year for illness with us this year. I feel that I could write a medical journal on all of the things that the boys have had. Luke also had his tonsils out in April. I hope that next year is better. It is hard being torn between being at work and taking care of the little ones. Anyway if you are wondering what my days are looking like at the moment, it is nursing Luke back to health - a Pinetarsol bath every couple of hours. Will update you on his recovery.
Well I am now just waiting for it to clear but as you can see by the photos that I have just taken we are a little way off. I guess it could have been worse and happened right on Christmas time.
Nov 21, 2007
Naughty or Nice
I think that title explains it. I can't decide whether they are naughty or nice. I wanted to get some photos of the boys so that I could use one for our Christmas cards. As you can see the Christmas shoot turned ugly very quickly. It ended up in a big wrestling match in Santa hats. There are some cute ones, but there are also some scary ones. They make me smile!!!You boys are just too cute. I hope that your sense of fun always remains. Don't ever take life too seriously.
Nov 13, 2007
Lin and Shayne's Engagement

Nov 7, 2007
Mum's 70th Birthday- These are some of the photos from Mum's 70th Birthday. It is hard to believe that Mum is 70. So this is the Vidler Family. I have five sister and one brother, seven nieces and one nephew. We had a great night celebrating. Mum had a ball. During these holidays the boys also learnt how to fish. We spent a couple of afternoons down at the river and the boys caught a heap of little dog fish which we had to throw back. This didn't matter as they were having heaps of fun. We had a beautiful relaxing afternoon.
A Year in Review
Nov 4, 2007
Nov 3, 2007
A Dedication to My Sister
It has almost been a year since my sister got married. So I wanted to get in early and surprise her with an early
Happy Anniversary. Does that make me the bestest bridesmaid ever. I had to post these photos as I love them!!! Shelly looked so beautiful on her wedding day. The day was perfect. She was so calm and she enjoyed the whole thing. I just wanted you to know how proud I am of you and that I love you.
The day was great in so many ways. We were surrounded by family and close friends and Chloe and Ben were just adorable. It was such a memorable day. I had an absolute ball at the wedding. Can we do it all over again?? This time last year we would have been having the Kitchen Tea and Girls Day Out. Oh what fun!!! The races are such a good day out (mental note not too much Pink Champagne at the next event - too many incidents to explain).
I think that I missed my calling as a wedding planner. I am now hanging out for our next wedding in January - Kylie and Andrew's and then in October Sheree and Nathan get married. Luke is playing a part in Sherree and Nathan's wedding. I can't wait. The whole wedding thing excites me. Maybe I'm a sucker for the happy ending.
It is going to be a huge year next year as Kylie has her baby as well. This news was the best news that we have had in a long time. They are going to make great parents. Chris is already looking for the noisiest toys that he can find for the little one. I think that he has a little pay back in mind after many noisy toys given.
Anyway my darlin sister I hope that the years ahead bring much happiness. I just hope that they don't fly the way that the past year has. Have a great anniversary!!! Keep on being beautiful!!
Happy Anniversary. Does that make me the bestest bridesmaid ever. I had to post these photos as I love them!!! Shelly looked so beautiful on her wedding day. The day was perfect. She was so calm and she enjoyed the whole thing. I just wanted you to know how proud I am of you and that I love you.
I think that I missed my calling as a wedding planner. I am now hanging out for our next wedding in January - Kylie and Andrew's and then in October Sheree and Nathan get married. Luke is playing a part in Sherree and Nathan's wedding. I can't wait. The whole wedding thing excites me. Maybe I'm a sucker for the happy ending.
It is going to be a huge year next year as Kylie has her baby as well. This news was the best news that we have had in a long time. They are going to make great parents. Chris is already looking for the noisiest toys that he can find for the little one. I think that he has a little pay back in mind after many noisy toys given.
Anyway my darlin sister I hope that the years ahead bring much happiness. I just hope that they don't fly the way that the past year has. Have a great anniversary!!! Keep on being beautiful!!

I know that I am lucky when I look at these two smiling faces. I hope that I make you as happy as you make me. I hope that you know that no matter what you do that
I will always love you both.
Remember to enjoy life and don't take things too seriously.
Luke - here is a special message for you as today you scared me when you had to be dragged out of the pool for over exerting yourself - I know that mummy and daddy have always told you to try your hardest and do your best, well what they really mean is work hard but don't kill yourself in doing it. Swimming lessons are meant to be enjoyable however you go out to set records in every lap that you do - slow down baby - not ever lap is an Olympic record to be broken. Somethings don't require a 100% effort. You will burn yourself out. I wish that I could get this through to you BUT you are just so eager to please.
Know that we are proud no matter what you do or what the result.

Nov 2, 2007
A Top Day Out

It doesn't take long and the holidays seem like a distant memory. We are only 3 weeks back into school and I am already counting the weeks and the days until the next holidays. I really like these photos of our day out at the aquarium. We all had a top day. My favourite part of the day was going on a nice relaxing Harbour Cruise. On the cruise there were some Japanese tourists that we had some fun with. They got a real taste of what Aussie girls are like. I think that I ended up in majority of their photos of the Harbour. At first I was just joking with them and then they decided they really did want me in all of their photos. We really do have a beautiful Harbour that we probably take for granted. The boys really enjoyed the aquarium. We had a great holiday. It was the best ones that I have had in a long time.
I think that we are in for a tough term. Many kids at school are already kicking into top gear. This is not a good sign when it happens so early in the term. So it will be a case of batten down the hatches and hang in there. I am thankful - the boss approved me to work 4 days/week next year. I still have Friday off - Oh how I love Friday. I have only just got use to Ben not being with me on my day off. There are times when I still look for him. I miss him when I go shopping or even just when I am at home. I now understand the empty nest syndrome. My nest feels a little empty when the boys are not around. I guess it is the case of you always wanting what you don't have. When they are at home and wrestling you long for one peaceful hour and when they are gone you long for the happy noise of them playing. Motherhood really does change your life forever - all for the better. I wish that I had started a little earlier and maybe had another couple of treasures. My kids are my greatest achievement.
I know how lucky I am to have the two that I have. They are great kids.
Oct 12, 2007
School Holidays
Oh, how we love the holidays. They seem to go too fast. We managed to jam pack these holidays like we never have before. We visited Luna Park, the Aquarium, Featherdale Wildlife Park, had a cruise on Sydney Harbour, A Shopping Tour to end all shopping tours (from 7am to 7pm), went to movies a couple of times and out to lunch with close friends. The kids had an absolute ball. I had three of my sisters visit Sydney and we had a great time.
Good to catch up.
I even managed to fit a couple of hours of scrapbooking in. I would have liked to have done more but I have some great photos to scrap at a later date.
I must thank my beautiful friend Belinda as she helped me get the blog up and running. She was ever so patient. You ROCK Belinda!!! I have been hanging to have one and now I do look out. We had a great day with Belinda. The boys have a great time playing and swimming. A perfect way to end one of the best holidays that I have had in a long time. I just have to hang in there for the the Christmas holidays now.
Good to catch up.

I even managed to fit a couple of hours of scrapbooking in. I would have liked to have done more but I have some great photos to scrap at a later date.
I must thank my beautiful friend Belinda as she helped me get the blog up and running. She was ever so patient. You ROCK Belinda!!! I have been hanging to have one and now I do look out. We had a great day with Belinda. The boys have a great time playing and swimming. A perfect way to end one of the best holidays that I have had in a long time. I just have to hang in there for the the Christmas holidays now.
Well I finally have a blog. I am very excited!!! You will be seeing a lot of these beautiful boys. They are my world. My reason to smile, laugh and sometimes cry. I know that I have been blessed. They are great kids and they both have beautiful natures. They are both very different. Luke is very calm, kind and eager to please. He is gentle and caring and very in touch with his feelings. Ben on the other hand is outgoing, cheeky and enjoys making others laugh (don't know where he gets those traits from). Ben is always up to something. Very active, goes non stop and rarely sleeps. It always amazes me how different two children can be. I guess your genes really do play a big part. My boys are my biggest achievement in life. I wish that I had of had started a family sooner and then maybe we would have had more kids. I love being a mum. There is nothing that compares to all of those little things that you do daily that are so special - like tucking them into bed after a long day.

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