Christmas seems to come around faster every year and I know that we all say that but I serious believe that the older you get the faster time goes. That must mean that I am getting pretty old as time flies around here. Christmas was good this year apart from the kids not sleeping Christmas Eve. They were seriously up all night. Michelle and I were talking about what we use to do on Christmas eve and how we too would stay awake all night in order to try and catch Santa out. My mum told me that I am getting my own back now. Kind of wish that I had not been so wicked (my middle name). The boys got everything that they wanted and were more than happy with their Santa sacks.
I love these photos of the boys. These were the photos that I took earlier in the year ready for the Christmas cards. It was the first year that I never sent Christmas cards and for that I am a little sad as I love receiving them and I usually put some effort into my cards. No time as silly season had me bad and school was crazy. I literally just had to keep my head above water.
Hope that everyone had a beautiful day and that you were all spoilt.
Love to All