Jun 27, 2009

Pink Rocks!!!!!





Well we had a top night out at Pink. She is absolutely amazing. The girl has muscles on her muscles. Every part of her body is buff!!!! It was a great show and I enjoyed the night out with my sister. What she manages to do in the air is just amazing. It is more like going to the circus then it is going to a concert. It was hard to get good photos. I really just wanted to enjoy the show. I had been looking forward to it for so long.

Now there was one little incident where I had to get out of the car on the end of the Eastern Distibutor while we were stopped at traffic lights to go and find the lou as I had a few too many before we left and someone packed the esky in the backseat with me. Luckily there was a pub on the corner (where I paid a visit and picked up some more beverages).

OK now I will just have to look forward to Keith Urban in Decemeber and New Moon in Novampire.

Hope that you are all having a good weekend.
Love to All

Jun 19, 2009

A Tough Week

OK This week has not been the best week. Ben woke up saying that he was sick. I told him to go to school and that he would be OK. I went to work on Monday morning only to be called home at 9.05am to get the poor boy who had been knocked over in the playground and was running a fever. So I took him home. Tuesday he was still sick so we spent hours waiting at the doctors to be told that it was a virus. He was then off Wednesday. Thursday morning I told him that he may need to have a blood test to find out what was wrong with him and he said OK. I thought that the threat of a blood test may make him say that he would go to school. But he said that he just wanted to get better. I am cranky at myself for making him feel guilty for being sick and for questioning how sick he really was. I feel like a bad mother because I told him that I needed to get back to work. I don't want him to ever think that I put work first. I feel that I haven't been the best mother possible.

Anyway let's hope that next week is a better week and that I can work a few days. Not having family support around you is difficult in these times. I also hope for a couple of night without Ben in my bed.Anyway we all do the best we can.

On a good note I sent off a layout for Scrapbook Creations. So I will be published in August and November - Yippee!!! On an even better note I have only one week until I go to Pink. Can't wait-she is tops. It is not all bad as I am also going to Keith Urban in December as a birthday treat - Thank Mary.

Thanks for dropping in - please leave me a line.
Love to all

Jun 12, 2009

OK So Here Is A Fairytale For You ALL


Once upon a time, a guy asked a girl 'Will you marry me?' The girl Said 'NO!' and she lived happily ever after and went shopping,dancing, camping, drank martinis, always had a clean house, never had to cook, did whatever the hell she wanted, never argued, didn't get fat, never had gas pains because she farted where and whenever she wanted, traveled more, had many lovers,and had all the hot water to herself. She went to the theatre, never watched sports, never wore friggin' lacy lingerie that went up her ass, had high self esteem, never cried or yelled, felt and looked fabulous in sweat pants and was pleasant all the time.

And She Lived Happily Ever After
The End

OK So whoever wrote this fairytale knows what they are on about. So who is with me on this girls. I vote for this to be published to save some of the little ones out there. How does this fairytale sound to you???

Love to All

Jun 9, 2009

A Great Time


Had to share some more of my favourite photos from the weekend. So much fun!!!!! Always a good time with the family.
Love To All
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Dad's 70th Birthday Party





Boy what a weekend. The long weekend was spent in Dungarubba celebrating Dad's 70th Birthday and what a great time we had. It was so good spending time with the family. Dad's health is slipping dramatically and I really don't think that we will have him for too much longer. I really enjoyed my time away. It was just the boys and me that went and they were perfectly behaved. I couldn't have asked for better. Dad's party all went off well and it was so worth the effort. Unfortunatley during the night I developed a major speech impediment and despite all efforts I could not communicate the way that I would have liked to. I accidently drank about 200 cocktails too many. They were called Kermits and then they were Kermis and them Slirrys. Boy they made the room spin when I finally went to bed. It may have had something to do with having a drink at each of 4 tables that I was visiting and my brother insisted that I have a couple of beers with the boys. You know it is rude to decline such offers. I tell you the next morning I wish that I had declined a few offers. Michelle is trying to put me into Speech Therapy!!! It was all just perfect long weekend.

I hope that you all had a great Slirry Weekend too!
Love to All
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Jun 1, 2009

Gosford Races - 30th May



We spent the weekend with Chris' family up at Ang and Rob's. We always have a great weekend when we go up there. We had a beautiful dinner on Saturday and then went to the Gosford races on Sunday. We had a great day out despite the rain. Dave and I managed to back a few winners. Had fun gambling. Then we had a yummy dinner before it was time to come home. I really enjoyed the weekend. I missed my sister a the races as she is always good fun to have there. Chris' family are beautiful and they are always good for a laugh.

Hope that you all had a good weekend too.
Love to All
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