Hey it is my Friday off and I am using it very wisely. I have been browsing blogs, playing with You Tube and I'm about to watch Doctor Phil. Does it get any better than this. Mind you I have school work to do, ironing and a heap of other things (that all can wait). Spent the morning having coffee with Lyndall.
I love Keith Urban. Yes I know that he is very country BUT so am I. I can still crack a whip. The old saying is you can take the girl out of the country BUT you can't take the country out of the girl. And I did love Keith long before Nicole did!!!!! I have loved him forever.
Missy this post of Keith Urban is for you.
This is my all time favourite Keithy song. It is my Anthem as I do believe that "Days do go by too quickly" and that we need to make the most them. I hope that there are a couple of Keithy fans out there somewhere. About to go and see him again in March!!!!
Love to All
Feb 29, 2008
Feb 26, 2008
The Definition of Cute
I just love these photos of the boys. I think that they are just beautiful (I could be a little bias). They are the reason that I smile, laugh and cry. They are also the reason that my house is so messy.
The Sausage Sizzle -Today I cooked about 300 sausages for our Meet the Teacher Afternoon. We had a lot of parents turn up this year. I am completely exhausted and if I see another sausage it would be too soon. It was such a big day. In fact I can't recall a part in the day when I sat down. Never mind it s behind us now and our families shouldn't have to cook dinner tonight. It is a pity that I can't even have a bite of one due to my gallstones. It was a sausage that caused my last attack.
Not a lot of other news. I have been a bit of a slack bogger. I need to get back to it. School just seems to be taking up a lot of my time. Luke has started soccer and trains two nights a week and plays Saturday morning. The boys also swim on a Friday afternoon. So this leave only two afternoons a week when I am home. Ben wants to go back to gymnastics and that would take another afternoon and that leaves only one. Squeeze in the homework and making lunches and the regular household duties and it leaves very little time for anything else. Then I need to find time to do Chris' paperwork. I try and catch the odd break to do something that I enjoy - like scrap booking or blogging. Why is life soooooo busy????? Should be grateful as at the moment everyone is healthy and happy.
Love to All
Feb 9, 2008
To Precious Chloe
To our dearest, sweetest Chloe, we hope that your first days at school were good ones. We heard that you were a big girl and that you were very brave. I bet that you looked all grown up in your uniform. How was mum??? I bet that she was more upset than you!!! I can't believe that you are going to school. Hello to the rest of the Van Baarsen family.
An Amazing Gift
I was looking at these gorgeous photos of my boys and started reflecting on "What an Amazing Gift" I have been given. They are both beautiful kids. What more could a girl really ask for????? They are so precious!!!! I am very thankful.
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