Dec 28, 2008

Playing Jokes on Poppy - 28th Dec



Well as soon as we got to Dungarubba Luke began to play the usual jokes on his Poppy. This time he had a toy camera and took some photos of Poppy. It broke my heart when he said to Poppy -" Make sure that you are smiling Poppy - I want to get a good photo of you" and then Poppy gave probably the best smile that he could give and Luke shot him with his water pistol camera. Poor Poppy ever so surprised and completely not expecting water to squirt him in the eye.

Luke then proceeded to get the whole family with the new camera that he got for Christmas. I felt so bad for those that he asked to smile a little bigger or to pose in a certain way. Oh dear he has such a wicked sense of humour.

Love to All
Hope that you are all smiling big and nicely!! And Look out is my son happens to visit.
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Dec 26, 2008

Ahhh My Favourite Holiday - Boxing Day

Boxing Day is possibly my favourite holiday and that is because everyone starts to wind down. You spend the day eating leftovers. You don't have to prepare anything. The kids are happy playing with their Christmas present and all is well in the world. When I was little our Boxing Day tradition was to go to the beach. Mmmm yes Boxing Day is the best holiday.

Hope that you all had a beautiful Christmas and that you are doing what I am doing and winding down and eating leftovers.
Love to All

Dec 25, 2008

Merry Christmas Everyone 25th





Merry Christmas everyone! I hope that you all have a beautiful day celebrating with your family and friends. I hope that Santa is good to you all.
Love To All
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Dec 24, 2008

The True Meaning of Christmas 24th



Look at this beautiful Nativity Scene that I got from my very best friend. I love it! I love it because it reflects the true meaning of Christmas. It reflects the real reason that we celebrate this time of the year. It is the meaning of Christmas.

Merry Christmas everyone.
Love Rell
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Dec 23, 2008

We Are Away

Well we are off to Lismore. Can't wait to get up there and spend time with my family. The trip is a long one, however the kids generally travel well. There are parts of this holiday that I love - I love sitting out on Mum and Dad's veranda and just relax in the afternoon. This is usually when a gentle breeze comes up. I love playing our traditional cricket games. I can't wait. I hope that you all have the opportunity to relax in a place that is special to you.

Love to All from Dungarubba

Dec 22, 2008

She - 22nd Dec




Belinda gave me the most beautiful gift and when I sat down to read it it made me cry. Thank you Bel for thinking so highly of me. I love you too. The above are a couple of page that she had marked for me. What a thoughtful gift. I am truly blessed having such beautiful friends in my life.

The only thing is that this book needs a couple of new pages added that read something like:

1) She drinks way too much and may cause embarrassment - be warned.
2) She is the definition of naughtiness - in her presence you may be arrested.
3) She is crazy and would do anything for a laugh - her need for fun is enormous.

Love Ya Lon Time Bel (and Bell)
Love to All
PS Let me know if you want the details of the book and I will pass them on.
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Dec 21, 2008

The Nies Crew 21st


We had a mini photo shoot with the Nies crew. These photos will make some nice snow globes for birthdays and Christmas. Ma looked good after her operation and I thought it was a good opportunity to get some nice photos. Who knows what lies ahead. I feel grateful to have such a nice family (in law).
Love to All
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Dec 20, 2008

The Best Day 20th


Today I had the best day apart from nursing a hang over. I had Sarah stay the night and leave at about 10.00am and then Al and the kids came over and we had heaps of fun. At 2.00pm Des and her little ones visited. Then at 4.00pm we went to celebrate Christmas with the Nies Family. We had a great time laughing and chatting. I didn't touch a drop -still on the wagon. Here are a few of my favourite pictures from the day - there are heaps more.
Love to All Rell
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Dec 19, 2008

OMG Way Too Much Alcohol 19th





Well today was our last day of school - Yippeee!!! The year kids left without too many tears. Some years you have to peel the kids off you and you too are wiping the tears from your eyes. This year they seemed to move on OK. Maybe they are ready for High School.

Well tonight was also our staff night out and I had way too many Pina Coladas. There are parts of the night that are really sketchy. Sarah stayed the night and we had a few drinks before we ventured out. It was a great night and it ended with me nearly getting kicked out of Rashays and then we couldn't get into the Collingwood. Now I know what you are thinking - how trashed were they not to be able to get into the Collingwood? It was that it was that some of us had the wrong shoes on (open backed). Who would have thought that a dress code would have applies to that place????? What the????? I was rather glad the next day that we didn't get in as I was bad enough - net along continuing to dronk. I had a great night with many interesting conversations and many laughs. It was a case of good food, good company and really good cocktails. I do have some vague memories of creating a dance floor. I guess it was lucky that I did that otherwise there may have been some dancing on the tables. Funny. I apologise to anyone who I may have offended or deafened with that bell (I still have parts of the bell).

Love to All
Nursing a very sore head - Nil by mouth!!
PS no more Pina Colada
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Dec 18, 2008

The Rollercoaster Ride 18th Dec


This is one of my favourite Christmas gifts. It was from my good friend Lindy. It lights up and sing Christmas Carols. Love IT!

I feel like I am on a bit of a Rollercoaster Ride at the moment with all that has been happening. I told the boss that I wanted to take some leave on Wednesday. I want to spend more time with my kids as most afternoons I get home really late and am completely over it. My kids deserve more and more of me. He was good about it and told me that he would support me in whatever I chose to do. I thought his response may have been a little different to that so I was pleasantly surprised. The next morning I was completely touched when I found a gift sitting on my table and when I opened it it was a gift from him - The Management Bible. He left me a touching little card that told me of how much I was appreciated. Getting the Management Bible was a big thing for me as he had two sons that he could have passed it onto and one of them is a teacher. The card was lovely - it was all completely unexpected. I feel like I am a Rollercoaster Ride at the moment - So many ups and downs BUT mostly I enjoy the ride.

Love to All
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Dec 17, 2008

Reindeer Recess - 17th Dec



Well I had another go at the Reindeers again this year and here is the result. Only this time I didn't put nearly as much effort into them and the result was just as good. I did this at 11.00pm ready to share with my colleagues the next day.
Merry Christmas to everyone!!!
Love to All
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Dec 16, 2008

A Beautiful Birthday




Yes I had a great birthday and I was very spoilt. I got some Beautiful perfume, DVDs, flowers and a cake from my family. Michelle showed up with Pandora and lots of it and a gorgeous vanilla candle which I adore. I got many other beautiful presents. My family took me for dinner where I drank way too many Pina Coladas. It was a worry when Luke started singing "Do you like Pina Coladas?" when I ordered my first one. The waitress cracked up and went and told the other staff about the family she was serving. A bit of a worry. I also loved all of the beautiful messages (text, Facebook and Blog) so thank you to you all for making me feel so special.

I just have to make it through the next couple of days now. Nearly there - hanging by the skin of my teeth.
Love to All
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Dec 15, 2008

37 Today



Yes it is true - I am 37 today. I guess that it is only a number. I am going to whoop it up today!!! You only turn 37 once.

Ben took the photos for me - they may be a little dodgy but they are special for 2 reasons 1) they have me in them and 2) because he took them.

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Dec 14, 2008

36 Things About Me At 36


36 Things About Me At 36
1) Sunflowers are my favourite flowers
2) My favourite TV Show is Grey's Anatomy
3) I didn't ever really believe that I would ever be 36 (it seemed so old when I was younger)
4) I know who I am and usually proud of it (I said usually - don't include times where I have been pulled up by police)
5) I still love scrapbooking - but find it hard to find the time for it
6) I love photography and aim to get better
7) I love to burn candles and my favourite scent is vanilla
8) My favourite chips to eat are Kettle - Rock Salt and Vinegar (in fact munching on some now)
9) I think best when I am in the shower - everything seems so much clearer
10) I have 3 Pandora braclets and get discounts from the local jeweller (he wants to hire me as his sales rep)
11) I treasure and adore all of the circles of friends that I have (and try to do the right thing by them all)
12) I am extremely proud of my two beautiful sons who enrich my life in so many ways
13) I have a husband that works way too hard - out mowing the lawn right now
14) I have a brand new car - absolutely gorgeous
15) I still miss my old car dearly - it has been ridden off
16) I am an Assistant Principal - in desperate need of a holiday
17) I can only go to sleep lying on one side
18) I am in love with Pink's new Album and will go to her concert next year
19) My favourite alcoholic drink at the moment is Sambucca
20) I don't get to the movies as much as I would like
21) I am content with life as it is
22)My least favourite house chore is still mopping
23)I still think that there are not enough hours in the day
24) I still love to play practical jokes and have a good belly laugh (need to get onto that and play a few - good friends watch out)
25) I have only lived in two houses (the one I grew up in and the one I am living in - both for equal amounts of time)
26) I still have the need to be organised
27) I enjoy cooking when I have the time
28) I prepare most of our dinner in the morning before I go to school
29) I still have gallstones and had a little attack this year
30) I dislike the Sunday afternoon rush - to get prepared for the working week
31) My favourite day of the week is probably Friday - means the end of the working week for me
32) I still don't understand why there isn't a cure for cancer
33) The only real part of the Sunday paper that I read is the Stars to see what is in stall for me
34) Can be grumpy and short with the kids when I am tired
35) I enjoy blogging and blog surfing
36) I am not really all that concerned with turning 37 as it is purely a number for me!

Well there is 36 facts about me - most of which you all probably know.
Love to All Out There
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Dec 13, 2008

Christmas Cards 13th of Dec


Yep they are finished. Every year I do the same thing to myself and make had made Christmas Cards. I am sure that I have rocks in my head but I can't bring myself to send the bought ones. I think that I just like making life hard for myself. Anyway they are done ready to go. Here is a little sneak peek of what they look like.

Love to All
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Dec 12, 2008

Funny Friday


Today was a good day. I think that Benny pulled a swifty on me he ended up staying home with me. I dropped into my school this morning and then went to get me hair done. I then went and played in MTL for a while and then come home for some lunch. What I really wanted to get done today was my Christmas Cards - I guess the night is early and I still have time. Must get busy on this! Yes I have finished marking reports and it is time to do something for myself.

I had a funny afternoon and for those who know me well enough will know why. I had to laugh and laugh and laugh. Anyone for DINNER????????

I have had constant headaches for a couple of day and my throat is sore. I hope that I am not getting tonsilitis.

Love to All
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Dec 11, 2008

Flowers Today 11th Dec


Today I got some flowers and chocolates from a few of my friends at work. It was a nice surprise and completely unexpected. They were saying thank you!!!! It is nice to be appreciated. It was good timing as I was feeling a little flat in the respects that I try to give to everyone and try to support everyone. To be completely honest I didn't feel supported at all. I guess it is a lesson in who to support and when.

To Karen,
My love and thoughts are with you. You were a brave girl to go and face your worst fear. I hope that this in some way frees you and that now you feel like you can do anything. I wanted to cry when I saw you this afternoon. You looked terrible. Let us know if you want a visitor and we will and see you.

Love to All (especially Karen for a speedy recovery).
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Dec 10, 2008

Wed 10th December


Here is a Christmas Tree that Luke and I made. We stole the idea from Belinda who stole it from another blog. It was nice to just sit and do something with my sons after a stressful day. Today I had to present a powerpoint presentation to about 30 big wigs and our School Education Director. I was put in a terrible situation!!! One that made me seriously consider taking some leave. I returned from the meeting from hell and then helped a friend prepare for an interview. So tonight I didn't mark reports or do any school work- I sat and for the first time in a long time I did something for the fun of it with Luke. The result was good and he took it in to show his teacher and they are now doing it for an art activity in class.

Love to All
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Dec 9, 2008

Over It All

A shit day day - what can I say? Over it all in such a big way.
I will bite my lip and carry on and try to be as professional as I can be until the year is over. I will have some serious teeth marks left in my lip!!!! I may even need dentistry to remove my teeth from my lip!!!!!

Love and hugs to Shelly. Shelly had an accident last night. She was on the M5 and was hit by a big truck. I am so glad that it was not worse - don't know what I would do without my little sis. It has shaken her up as it would. So my little sister know that I am always here any time of the day or night. Happy to listen and help out - although I think that you may be a worse patient than myself. So if you are reading this and know Shelly drop her a line. She will probably kill me for this as she doesn't like a fuss being made. Love you Shelly - thank GOD you're OK.

Love to all and I am really hoping that your week is going better than mine. Roll on Friday.

Dec 8, 2008

Happy Birthday Dan


Happy Birthday Dan. Hope that you have a super, dooper day and that you get spoilt in the way that you deserve to be. Maybe we can have a birthday lunch on Friday?????
Love Ya Long Time
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Dec 7, 2008

A Few of My Favourite Decorations





I love Christmas time and all that goes with it. I love putting up the Christmas tree, carols, sending and more so receiving Christmas cards, the presents under the tree and the excitement of Santa being on his way. Here are are a few Christmas decorations from our tree. Each year we try to add one special one. I love Christmas - Christmas lunch with the family, Christmas Eve and Boxing day. Love it all. The only thing that I don't like is how busy the shops become and the impatient shoppers that come out of the woodwork. Well I mostly have the Christmas shopping done and wrapped. I am off to do some Christmas cards today.

A busy day today. We started at Mass at 9.30am as Ben's class were involved in the Mass. Next we went to K-Mart and finished the Christmas shopping and did some groceries. Then it was off to Narellan to pick up some photos and have some lunch. A little shopping and then home to start the Christmas cards. I wrapped some presents - only a few to go now. Then Shelly and John visited until about 6.00pm. The boys are still playing in the backyard and I haven't organised dinner yet. A large and productive day. Why do the weekends go so quickly???

Love to All and hope that you are all enjoying the festive season.
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